Title: Hunger
Author: Sagaluthien Saga Chriztine
Fandom, Characters: SPN, Dean
Rating, warning: Pg-13, pre-series, Au, cursed!Dean
Beta: Jane Doe
Disclaimer: I just borrowed them for a little, with no intention to intimate or degrade. There has not been any profit to this.
Author's Note: First, is this written for
chubwinchesters and their Drabble-a-thon.
Found here.Wished prompt: Anything involving Dean gaining weight because of a curse/cursed object/cursed food. Bonus points for a self-conscious Dean :)
Here Summary: Sometimes you might be careful where and what you eat.
He had been hungry, so he hadn't noticed much about the little village that had the diner where he had stopped to fill his need. Dean had ordered what he liked best, and the hamburger was one of the best he had ever eaten. When he told them how he liked it, he had been given one for the road.
He finished eating the hamburger before he had come ten miles from the village and then he didn't think about it longer. The next day he felt quite hungry again, so he stopped every two hours to eat. He had an extra irresistible for hamburgers, and all he ate felt good. It continued.
After the third day when he sat down in the Impala he felt he had to loosen up his jeans or he felt squashed. In the next town, he went to buy a new pair. He tried the first pair he picked up and when they didn't fit him he looked in the mirror. First he couldn't see any change, but as he felt himself over he thought he might be softer. Dean took a pair that was a larger size.
When the week was over Dean had to get a new pair, as even the latest was squashing him. Now he saw that his stomach started to stick out. To not add more to his body he tried to not eat as much, but it only made him eat double hamburgers the next time.
Dean drove by the campus and hesitated to stay so Sam would see him. Though two days later, with ten more pounds he let his want to meet Sam win over him. Even though he snuck into Sam's house and went to the refrigerator the first thing.
~*~*~ The End ~*~*~
Is follwed by