Title: Unforeseen Happenings
Chapter: 1/25
Author: sagaluthien/ sagas_stories
Pairing: Vigg/orli
Rating: PG to NC-17
Warning: Au, mpreg, (topping Orlando)
Prompt: # Air
Beta: MisstressKat
Disclaimer and Author's note: Not know them or own them. The stories are written for fun and for
viggos_50 challenge, so no thoughts of any profit.
Summary: There are things you can't predict and sometimes they lead to even more things you first could not dream about.
Chapter 1
Viggo arrived first to the place and he stopped to survey the situation. He saw nothing that could reveal that anything had happened. He didn't understand what could have caused the alarm.
Even if there seemed to be okay, Viggo knew he had to go in to check the house. When there was no obvious damaged, he went direct to the door. After knocking and saying hello with no reply he decided to go inside. The door was already ajar.
The moment he went over the threshold he felt that something was not right. When he had entered, he didn't want to turn around if there was anyone hurt or something. If he would have thought first he should have waited for back up. Now he carefully stepped through the hall, looking into the rooms. He could see nothing at the ground floor. Next he went up the stairs to the next floor. Even there it looked normal and empty of people.
Viggo went down to the kitchen where he thought he seen a door that might had to led to the basement. He opened it and was met by a weird smell. He fumbled to find the switch and when he did the lights flickered. He had difficulty getting through the dust that was flying in the air. Viggo hesitated, but then thought he heard a sound of someone. He continued down the stairs.
In the basement he was met by what seemed to be a lab of some sort. Things were boiling and the sound showed to be coming from animals in cages. Coming closer to the sight, he felt his stomach turn in a nauseated somersault. Many of the animals looked deformed. A few seemed to be dead. At one table he saw what most have made the alarm to have gone off. Something had shattered and glass was spread over the table and floor.
To Viggo's relief he didn't find any people there. He went up to get some fresh air and to call in his report.
Next Chapter