An Awfully Big Adventure: UK Travel Adventure 2011, Part 3

Oct 28, 2011 00:35

An interesting thing happened to me earlier this week. As I post these livejournal updates on my summer travels, I've also been creating albums for the photos on facebook- but unlike here, I haven't been as vigilant about putting dates on the facebook albums. Unwittingly, this led to some confusion. Case in point: I got a wall post from an old ( Read more... )

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Comments 2

londonandtea November 27 2011, 11:08:20 UTC
This is amazing. And those bookshops, I need to see them with my own eyes. And I obviously need a photo with a cardboard cutout Gandalf.


saena17 November 27 2011, 12:55:10 UTC
Oh God, that riverside walk. So beautiful. I can't even tell you.

And I obviously need a photo with a cardboard cutout Gandalf.



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