Marathon watching is the best watching

Jan 08, 2009 14:54

First official post of the New Year, and also a fulfillment of my promise to start writing at least once a week in 2009. Really, guys, get on me if I'm not doing that. I almost missed this week.

So since the New Year, almost the only thing I have been doing is marathon-watching Series 4 of "Doctor Who". Yesterday, I finally finished.

Some vague and scattered thoughts. Haven't rewatched yet, so these are kind of off the top of my head. )

vacation, doctor who, random

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Comments 7

trippypeas January 8 2009, 20:38:50 UTC
I didn't get to watch much Doctor Who this pass season..Unfortunately..

Have you observed classes before? I haven't observed any third grade classes...


saena17 January 13 2009, 22:13:47 UTC
I didn't either until just now. I've been trying to watch Series 4 since back in the spring, when I wasn't even done with Series 3 yet. But I've been busy, and they kept taking the episodes off youtube, so the marathon was a long time coming.

I do an observation placement each semester for my ed studies classes, but they've been mostly tutoring and such. It's been a long time since I just sat in an elementary school classroom and interacted with students of that age. Also, first time with third-graders!



trippypeas January 13 2009, 22:58:43 UTC
I kinda wanna see it before the new guy starts..

third graders are fun! they don't tend to be as sassy as fourth fifth graders


c27beanie January 11 2009, 01:32:17 UTC
TEACHING STUFF, you say? say? **cough** TALK TO MY MOM, SHE LIKES YOU **/cough**


saena17 January 13 2009, 22:19:02 UTC
I'm definitely planning to call her as soon as I get all the paperwork filled out. :)



unmellow_yellow January 11 2009, 06:12:59 UTC
I don't watch Doctor Who, but on lj it's impossible to avoid the show, so invariably I know some stuff about it. And I have to agree with a lot of folks who are against the new doctor, if only because he looks terrifying. Also, if this guy can reincarnate himself as anyone, why would he come up as a white straight male each time?


saena17 January 11 2009, 20:10:47 UTC
And I have to agree with a lot of folks who are against the new doctor, if only because he looks terrifying.

OH MY GOD YES, I am not the only one who thinks this! I don't like the look of him that much. He creeps me out a little. Also, I was kind of hoping they'd go for someone older than David Tennant for the next Doctor, as opposed to someone younger. So I'm skeptical as well- but very open to being proven wrong. ;)

Also, if this guy can reincarnate himself as anyone, why would he come up as a white straight male each time?True. I've considered that before, although it's never really bothered me. I think it's more likely that we'll see a female Doctor before we see a non-white one. The show tends to be fairly racially diverse in its supporting and minor characters, so I'm more willing to overlook the fact that it falls into the sci-fi tradition of a white male lead ( ... )


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