
Dec 03, 2006 09:45

Excuse me while I rant. Okay. You guys know I love you right? You're my friends. I'd take a bullet for most of you. You make my day better by just saying hello. But I'm not Christian. I do not want to be Christian. No offense, but I'm still a little ticked about what your religious ancestors did, okay? To be fair, I gave your church a chance. I did ( Read more... )

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Comments 3

woyro December 3 2006, 19:22:10 UTC
i am pretty much an agnostic. the last time i was in a church was for my niece's wedding about 3 years ago. besides that, i have not attended a service in over a decade. last year i did some "soul searching". i looked back over my life and found absolutely NO examples of divine intervention in my life. NOTHING that has EVER happened to me has ANY kind of explaination other than NATURAL OCCURRANCE. i'm a greymuzzle, so, we're talking about over 40 years of existance here ( ... )


sparrowshellcat December 6 2006, 15:47:38 UTC
Kitten... honey. I love you, you know this. I would huggles you if you were close enough to actually ever see you in real life.

For the record? Am Christian.

I'm probably not considered a very good one, as for the last couple years I only go to church a few times a year (School is brutal!) and yeah, I am so pro-gay rights and such that pretty much all of my friends are just convinced I'm in denial of being gay myself but still, technically, Christian. I do believe in God, and Jesus, and the whole kit and caboodle.

Now, I like to think I'm a pretty darn tolerant person. And really, what your friends did sounds a little... heavy handed? Seriously.

I dunno. I like my faith, all things considered. Not so much on religion ((Yeah, I'm like that... I'm Christian, but I despise organized religion and avoid most of it at all costs... it's kinda complicated. I think.)) but that's another issue entirely.

I'm sorry this happened to you, cause seriously, as a whole, we're not bad people!



It's your path, Kiddo... live4java January 24 2007, 20:25:57 UTC
You know there's a reason I never pushed any kind of religion on you, Kiddo. As for as this parent is concerned, you're free to follow your own heart on that. And it seems you've found pretty much the same thing I did at about the same age: organized religion bytes. You can have a very spiritual side without needing a religion to formalize it.

You know that. I think you've known that since you were little. Just don't let them rile you up too much, ok?

Love ya, always.


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