
Dec 03, 2006 09:45

Excuse me while I rant. Okay. You guys know I love you right? You're my friends. I'd take a bullet for most of you. You make my day better by just saying hello. But I'm not Christian. I do not want to be Christian. No offense, but I'm still a little ticked about what your religious ancestors did, okay? To be fair, I gave your church a chance. I did. You know I did. And at least one of you knows what happened and know why my parents FORBID ME FROM GOING AGAIN!

You were well aware I was not Christian. This was a known fact. You told me that this was not going to be a problem, that your church was very accepting and that I was not going to be pressured. What I was not told was how much of a... I can't even say it... your "guest speaker" was. I was expecting the usual sermon. What I got? Was a rather long rant on the evils of witch craft, how spirit guides are actually demons and how anyone who "did not accept Jesus as their lord and savior" was going to have some seriously unpleasant stuff happen. Um... Yeah... Right. What was that about tolerant? Accepting? F that.

That was the worst experience I have ever had. I do not like churches very much. But I have a long history of going to them with my friends, A. So I can learn more about my friends' religion, and B. because I want to be with my friends. My parents have always been fine with this. They've also been fine with my personal choice of beliefs. I will not be attending your church again. And for the record? My spirit guides were quite interested to see what your church was like, seeing as you were all so fond of it. Now, I have had the sneaking suspicion that you were trying to get me to join. I have never been someone affected by peer pressure. But now? I didn't think there was such a thing as religious peer pressure, but I'm certainly experiencing it.

And now? The straw that broke the camel's back. One of you, who I count as a friend. Someone I can trust and rely on to make me relax. Someone I thought was willing to accept that there isn't only one way to go when it came to religions? Has pulled THIS on me. You want them to pray that he becomes Christian? Gives up his own beliefs in favor of yours? WHAT?!?! He's not Christian. He believes in evolution. Seems to me that's all fine. But... But... That? WHY?! It makes no sense at all... Why...

Yeah... I was originally going to be posting a happy, dancing post about my new crush. But now, I just want to go cry. I'm going to go light some incense and see if the Lady has any ideas on what to do. I'll write more on Monday...
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