Would I be saved from myself ? part 1

Oct 03, 2012 04:48

Title: Would I be saved from myself ?   (part 1)
Pairing: Jaejong/Kangjun, Kangjun/Ray, Ray/Yunho, Yunho/Jaejong
 Genre: Angst, Drama
Length: chaptered|series
Rating: NC 13

Everybody was so excited. Their first trip in Japan. Rome was looking at them, shaking his head. They were waiting at the airport, While the managers were filling some papers, some members were running everywhere. Specially Maru and TK.

Rome: Guys ... seriously ... can you calm down ?

Maru: We’re not celebrities yet so it’s ok to fool around ! Yahooo ! We’re in Japan !!!!

Rome: I give up ! Helpless !

Ray: What a long trip ... I don’t blame Maru for being so excited.

He said yawning.

Kangjun: You’re ok ? You look so pale ..., he caressed the other boy forehead.

Ray:  Just tired, I’m fine.  Ray answered with a smile.

Kangjun:  I love your smile.

Ray: stop it ... so random ... , he could not help but blush at this remark.

Kangjun: I hated the flight ... I told them I wanted to sit next to you, but they paired me with Siwoo.

Ray: So what ? Siwoo is chill .

Kangjun: Exactly ! He is << WAY TOO CHILL>> , he slept the whole time. I was so bored.

Ray kept laughing:

Ray: You survived ! Be happy.

Kangjun: Yeah but I missed you.

He wrapped his arms around Ray's waist.

Ray:  Me too actually..., He gave Kangjun a kiss on the cheek. Too happy to receive it,

Kangjun gave him back many kisses in the neck, which made Ray giggling.

A bit far from them,  a young man , glasses on, dresses all in black was looking at them.

“  New Rookies I guess ... those 2 remind me so much of me back then with him Yunho ... ‘’.

Junsu:  Jae ... we have a check up to do.

JaeJong: Coming!

Junsu:  By the way ... I just read on twitter that they might be some Antis around ... you know, the ones who think that we << ruined>> DBSK  spirit.

JaeJong:  Roger !

Junsu: Are you okay ? Recently you’ve been pretty gloomy. Don’t tell me that you’re still missing Yunho ?

JaeJong: Thanks for your concern Junsu. I’m fine.  By the way , who are they ?

Junsu: Them? New band I think ...  Bap Crowns or Block of Clowns ... something like that. They ‘re performing at the same show than us.

JaeJong: I see! Let’s go , the staff might be waiting for us.

Later,  the C-Clown members and their staff was making their ways to the alley.  Next to them, they saw people lining up.

Rome: Why so many people ?

TK: I heard JYJ is there ... oh , look ! that’s Micky.

Rome: Who is JYJ ?

Siwoon: Ex DBSK members.  They are not really able to perform in Korea because of SM but they are still popular over sea.

Rome: I see .

Maru: Who is behind him ?

Ray: It’s Junsu.

Maru: Wow ! Can’t believe we’ll be sharing the same stage this week .

Kangjun was looking at the last member behind, JaeJong. He couldn’t see his eyes because of the pairs of glasses he was wearing. He remind him of a older version of Ray.

Not too far he noticed a woman. Everybody around was screaming, cheering for JYJ and trying to get a picture or an autograph. But instead, she was just following and holding very tight, a bag against her chest.

“ What a ...”  it took him few seconds to analysed , and then he understood when he saw her pushing more and more people, getting closer to JaeJong  and the security guy  in front of him.

He dropped his bag and ran in their direction. The last thing he remembers is hearing that woman screaming <>, him pushing JaeJong on the floor and this pain on the back of his head ... then, the total black out.


“ A smell ... what is that smell ... so strong ...” He thought. He tried to open his eyes but felt a headache. He immediately closes them back. They were burning him.

“What’s going on? Where am I? ... I need to get up”. HE took a deep breath then opens his eyes. Everything was blurry. He felt someone holding his hand.  He sat on the bed and looks around him.  He was in a room ... Ray was sleeping on a chair, and has his hand in his.

“ What’s going on ... why am I here? “ Then he remembered :

The woman at the airport, her bag ... she had a gun in it ... he remembered the noise the detonation made. He jumped off and let go Ray’s hand.

“ A gun ... she shot ... “  He was trying to remembers what happened and got scare. He felt a pain on the back of his head. When he touched it, there was a bandage.

“ Did I receive the bullet ? What happened? “

Ray: Kangjun ... you are awake  ... Oh my God ! You’re awake!

Ray opened the door and ran outside. He came back in Kangjun’s room , with a nurse and 2 doctors. Ray was crying.

Kangjun: Ray ... I don’t remember...

Ray: It’s ok ... you are safe now ... I am so happy.

Doctor: Wait outside; we need to make sure he is ok. The doctor said in Korean with a strong Japanese accent.

Ray: Sure ... I will make some phone calls.

Kanjun: Don’t go...

Ray: I’ll be back promise.


Few hours later , all the C-Clown members were in the room with him. All standing up except for Maru who was on the chair, a small computer on his lap and Ray next to him sitting in the bed, helping him to eat.

Rome: Man ... don’t ever do that again! You scared the shit out me ...

TK: Like seriously ... those dudes , they do have bodyguards you know ?

Kangjun: His bodyguard couldn’t see her from his angle ... everything happened so fast. But I am really sorry I made you all worry.

Siwoo: Most important thing, is that you are okay. The doctor said that after tomorrow you’ll be able to leave. The bullet failed to reach you  thanks God , it did touch you a little bit but ... you were very lucky.

Kangjun: So I was asleep for 2 days ?

Maru: No ! For 5.

Kangjun: What ? Fck ! What about the show ? I’m so sorry guys ...

Rome : Don’t worry ... the fans put a lot of pressure, so they pushed it  for another 2 weeks ! We’re good. And JYJ label already covered the hospital fees, including the medications you have to take and the extra days we have to spend at the hotel.

Ray: They better ... he almost took a bullet for that guy !

Kangjun: Is Kim Jaejoong okay ?

Ray: Who cares if he’s okay?  You almost die, do you know how worry we were for you ?

Kangjun: I am sorry ... to all of you. I am truly sorry.

Rome: It’s ok ... shit happens ... just ... next time, think before you act.

Suddenly, someone knocks at the door.

Rome:  Enter!

They all jumped off when they saw who it was : JaeJong   himself. They all bow at him. He still has his glasses on.

Jaejong:  Morning  Kangjun.

Kangjun: Morning ...

JaeJong: Can I ask everybody to leave the room please? I would like to have a word with him.

Rome: Sure ... but not too long, he still fragile.

Jaejong: I’ll make it fast. Thank you.

Ray: Sorry but I am staying.

He said standing up.

TK: Bro it’s ok, let’s go ...

Ray: I promised his mother that I would look after him. I have to keep my word.

He was looking at Jaejong  giving him a dirty look, he couldn’t stand him.

Kangjun: Ray ... it’ll be fine. Don’t worry.

Ray: you sure ?

Kangjun: Yes !

He smiled at him.

Ray kissed him on the cheek then walked away, giving a dirty look to Jaejong.

Once remain alone, Jaejong sat on the chair and removed his glasses:

Jaejong: Your boyfriend ?

Kangjun: No ... just a friend but ... we’re really close and very affectionate toward  each other. You know , being far from ours families, it’s good to have someone you can rely on ... someone who cares for you.

Jaejong: He must hate me ... and I don’t blame him. Why did you do that?

Kangjun: I don’t know ... I was scared she tried to hurts you.

Jaejong: funny how you always tell yours fans that their own securities should come first ...

Kangjun: You went on my Twitter account?

Jaejong: Well ... you saved my life ... I got curious about who you were ... I wanted to understand you.

Kangjun:  I’m actually happy I got shot like this  ... I am very happy. He said with a smile, looking at Jaejong.

Jaejong: Why ?

Kangjun: I got to talk with you ... since the event with SM, they portray you like a douche. You don’t really perform on TV shows anymore so I thought I wouldn’t have the chance to meet you.  Are you happy I didn’t die ?

Jaejong: Of course yes ... what a silly question.

Kangjun: Then why aren’t you smiling?

Jaejong: Well ... I don’t know ... I’m still under the shock of what happened ... I mean ... this is serious.

Kangjun: I hope it never happened, but i f it does, I have the feelings that I’ll do the same thing.

Jaejong: What? Why? Think about yourself first...

Kangjun: You are right but sometimes you need to follow your intuition ... that what I did.

Jaejong: You are a very strange boy.

Kangjun: I take it as a compliment.

They both laugh.

Kangjun: I want to ask you a personal question.

Jaejong: Go ahead.

Kangjun: Would you go on a date with me?

Jaejong: What ???

Kangjun: Yes or no? He asked very calmly.

Jaejong: Well ... I guess ... I can go have a drink with you ... it’s the least I can do after you saved my life.

Kangjun: then forget it...

Jaejong: What ?

Kangjun: I’m not asking you to return me the favour after saving your life, I just want to know if you would like to go on a date with me .

Jaejong: ... I can go for a drink with you ...

Kangjun: No ... a date. I want to get to know you and we still have 2  more weeks here.

Jaejong: Well ... my God, kids these days....

Kangjun: I’m not a kid anymore.  I’m pretty mature for my age. More than you think.

They were looking at each other, they kept the silence for a while. Jaejong felt weird.

He felt relax. For some reason, all the tension he has been feeling the past days,  months, years ... since Yunho broke up with him, everything was gone.

Jaejong: Look ... I haven’t been on a date in a while ...

Kangjun: Because of Yunho?

Jaejong: What?

Kangjun: You know he’s in Japan too ? DBSK will perform at the same show.

Jaejong: I know ... listen ... why are we talking about him?

He stood up. He felt nervous and stressed again. He was facing the window now, looking at the sky and giving his back to the other in the bed.

Kangjun: I’m sorry ... but obviously you still have feelings for him. Did he contact you since you left the band ?

Jaejong: No , he didn’t ...

Kangjun left his bed. He was now standing next to Jaejong, looking at the sky as well.

Kangjun: You wrote him but he never replied, you called him but he blocked your number, he removed you as a friend on Facebook, the friends you had in common don’t talk to you anymore ... or they don’t talk to him. You thought he would understand you , that he wouldn’t mix DBSK and your relationship , then you realised that you being out of DBSK means you are out of his life, because Yunho life is his work, his work is his passion. And you’re not part of it anymore. Since then you asked yourself   “ What did I meant to him? Did he really loves me ? Would he had fell  in love with me if I wasn’t part of DBSK?. “ , you keep wearing those glasses because you are scared, you don’t want people to read that you are still living in the past. That you are lost ... that you are lonely.

Jaejong: Shut up !

He yelled before slapping Kangjun on the cheek , it’s only after that he realised that he shouldn’t have done it. He felt so embarrassed  because kangjun words hurted him, it was like if Yunho was talking to him, telling him that it was over. He felt a pressure on his heart. It was painful ... it was too much for him. He felt the tears coming in his eyes.

Jaejong: I have to leave now ... I’m sorry !

Kangjun: Don’t go ... I’m sorry I said that but I had to.

Jaejong: You had to? You had to ? ... Don’t talk about it like if you were in my heart, like if you knew anything about us ... being part of a band doesn’t give you the right to play God. Know your place!

Kangjun: Then correct me ! Look at me and tell me that I’m wrong, that everything I said wasn’t true.

Jaejong: How dare you...

Kangjun: You are crying now because you are exhausted ... everything I said you already knew it but you didn’t want to face it. I said it because I have to.

He grabbed Jaejong ‘s  arm.

Jaejong: Let me go ... I’m leaving.

Kangjun: I saved you once ... and I know I can save you twice.

Jaejong: Save me ? From who ... what are you talking about ?

Kangjun: I’ll save you from yourself.

Jaejong: I can’t be save ... I can’t ... why  are you doing that ...

Kangjun brought his face closer to him, he lowered his lips and kissed Jaejong.

Jaejong didn’t expect that, but he was so tired, so hurt , so lost ... Kangjun opened  a door to him ... the only door he has seen since Yunho left him ... he took that door. He responded to Kangjun kiss. Kangjun wrapped his arms around his waist and hold him tight. Jaejong deepened the kiss by putting his arms around Kangjun neck and pulling him closer. He felt so light and relieved. Who was that boy?  Could he really save him from himself?

<< Kangjun ... please, save me ...  or  let me die next time. >>


I am not super good so please, don't be too hard. And English isn't my first language. Hope I did a decent job.

c-clown, jyj, dbsk

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