Vestra sum in aeternum

Sep 05, 2012 20:41

title: Vestra sum in aeternum (One Shot)
author: sadclown007
pairing: TK/Kangjun
Genre: Romance
Rating: PG

Kangjun has been staring at TK’s back for the past hours. Both lying in bed, the other boy was sleeping, Kangjun was looking at the tattoo on his left rib cage, it was written in an Italic hand’s writing style ''Kangjun, Vestra sum in aeternum''.

TK: wanna know the meaning ?

Kangjun jumped off when he heard his voice.

‘’ Oh … you are awake …’’ he said adjusting the sheet on his naked body.

TK turned his body, he was facing him now.

Kangjun: Morning.

TK: Did you sleep well ? Sorry … my bed is a little hard … the mattress is old …

Kangjun: No, no … it’s ok. He smiled at him.

TK brought his fingers to his face and gently caressed Kangjun cheek.

Kangjun: By the way … I didn’t know …

TK: About the tattoo?

Kangjun: Yes …

TK: Sorry !

Kangjun: Why sorry? I like it … it is in latin ?

TK: Yes … but you’re not creep out by me having your name on my body ?

Kangjun: It is creepy … and flattering too . Anybody else knows about it ?

TK: Only Rome ! He went with me at the tattoo shop.

Kangjun: Should I get one too ?

TK: No … you’re a good boy ! Plus, it is painful.

He said lighting a cigarette.

Kangjun: You went through this pain for me … I should do the same.

TK: Please don’t ! I don’t deserve to have my name on you.

Kangjun: Why are you saying that?

TK: just don’t do it!

Kangjun sat on the bed, the smoke coming from the other’s cigarette was making him cough.

‘’ Fuck ! Forgot you have to protect your voice!’’  TK immediately turn it off.

Kangjun felt bad, TK cared so much about him. Sometimes too much. They have been seeing each other for almost a month and already, he felt like he was receiving more than he could offer.

Kangjun: TK … why do you like me ? I mean … everybody said that I am stuck up … too serious and that I am a poser. When you are so cool and … so handsome … I mean … why me ? I feel like I have nothing to offer to you.

TK sat next to him then, gave him a kiss on the lips.

TK: How do you feel when you are with me ?

Kangjun: I… I like it … I feel very special and loved.

TK: Well, I feel the same around you and that’s why I asked you out.

Kangjun: You never smile … so I never know if I am doing something wrong or not …

TK: I never smile … except on camera, not because you get on my nerves, but because it’s not in my nature.

Kangjun: Oh … I see !

TK: We should get ready …

Kangjun: True ! Can we … I mean … do you mind if we shower together?

TK: Round 2?

Kangjun: No, no ! Just shower !

Kangjun was turning red just hearing his question.  TK smiles :

TK: Just joking ! Let’s go ! Do you want me to lend you some clothes ?

Kangjun: I brought some with me in case.

TK: Cool!


After the rain, the street s were wet and the weather moist. They were walking in silence, Kangjun was looking at him: leather jacket, dark jean, chain pending on the pocket’s side, boots, blonde dyed hair, half Mohawk, black studs and piercings. He looks like a gangster with that style and himself: Blue cardigan, white shirt, white  pants, clean shoes … he was more close to the ‘‘good boy image’’. Very far from TK's style.

TK: Yes or no ?

Kangjun: What …, Lost in his thoughts he did not pay attention to TK words.

TK: Rome texted me, the coach will be 1 hour late, you want to grab a coffee?

He said pointing the coffee shop on the other side of the street.

Kangjun:  Sure ! We can pick up some cakes too, for the others.

Before they cross the street, TK grabbed his hand, and even after they did, he still keep Kangjun’s hand in his.

Kangjun: TK ?

TK: Huh ?

Kangjun: I love you !

TK stops walking and looks at him.

TK: It’s the first time you say it … why so out of the sudden?

Kangjun: When you asked me out I said yes because I liked you but now,  I feel like I am falling more for you every time I am with you… it’s weird.

TK: Because we’re different?

Kangjun: Yes and no … but more because … I’m scared. What am I going to do if … one day you realise that you don’t like me anymore?

TK sighs and let go of Kangjun's hand. He looked at the sky, it was starting to rain again:

TK: It’s not going to happen kangjun. I fell in love with you the first time I saw you walking at the auditions … and I thought I wasn’t good enough for you. I kept it secret until Rome found out! I told him that I didn’t stand a chance to be with you. Being your friend or just around you was already good enough for me. I was happy with that.

Kangjun: oh … I didn’t know that …

TK: Rome told me that if I wasn’t making a move, Ray would …

Kangjun: What? Tell me you didn’t believe that ?

TK: I fell for it … and decided to take a chance. I couldn’t believe it when you accept to go on a date with me. It was a dream becoming true. And the first time we kissed, I knew from that moment that we were meant for each other.

Kangjun: Me too I felt something like this when we kissed … it was actually raining like ...

Kangjun did not finish his sentence, TK leaned down and kissed him on the lips. Kangjun closed his eyes and wrapped his arms around the other boy’s neck, pulling him closer as he felt the rain falling on them in silence.

It just felt like their first kiss, under the rain as well.

‘’ … I belong to you forever. ‘’

tk/kangjun, livejournal, c-clown, c clown

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