New TV, writing, Plans, etc.

Sep 19, 2011 11:40

I probably won't be watching Castle tonight, because I'm just not going to trust such a huge premiere to the whims of my unreliable TV antenna connection.

Also, I'm still 7,000 words shy of the het_bigbang word count minimum, and probably a few words more than that shy of the ending. I really did intend to write yesterday, but every time I opened my file ( Read more... )


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Comments 2

smor September 19 2011, 18:21:20 UTC
In all seriousness, I think that's definitely a sign of "growing up" that you've come to realize how you work best. I also have a tendency to overextend myself in goal-making (you'd cringe if you saw my list of everything I want to sew before the end of the year), but I'm also coming to realize that smaller, more attainable goals mean less of a likelihood that I'll get overwhelmed or burned out. And 1000 words a day on a regular basis will probably mean more productivity for you than trying to cram in more and having to let it slide for a couple of weeks at a time. Hoping that this works for you. :)


laura_josephsen September 19 2011, 19:40:28 UTC
I won't get to watch Castle when it airs, either.

YOU CAN DO IT! I've been trying to set small writing goals lately, too--and then anything extra is a bonus. It's been working for the most part. ;)


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