New TV, writing, Plans, etc.

Sep 19, 2011 11:40

I probably won't be watching Castle tonight, because I'm just not going to trust such a huge premiere to the whims of my unreliable TV antenna connection.

Also, I'm still 7,000 words shy of the het_bigbang word count minimum, and probably a few words more than that shy of the ending. I really did intend to write yesterday, but every time I opened my file and stared at my leave-off point, I just froze up.

So yes, after an errand of a not-yet-to-be-disclosed nature this afternoon, I am doing a Panera hole-up session again.

With this fic off my plate as of the end of the week, my focus turns to original fic writing. Since Laura requested not using Restoration for Nano after the 2008 insanity, I'm probably not going to be participating in Nano this year. Instead,I'll be whipping out the pom poms for all y'all in your various endeavors, whatever they may end up being.

My new strategy is 5,000 words a week, with as much of that goal being completed by the weekend as possible, so I can enjoy my usual Sunday "I feel like using exactly 0% of my brain today" with a clear conscience. That works out to 1,000 words per weekday. Which is peanuts. Really, truly nothing, and it will add up very quickly. (Let us all sit back and lovingly admire my adorable plan, which, like so many other of my amazing plans, will undoubtedly unravel about week two).

But no, in all seriousness, I've really come to appreciate in the last couple of months that part of my historical problem with goal-setting is that I take too much upon myself all at once, and get frustrated when my moods or real life/social activities interfere with my plans, and then I just give up for five weeks and start over again. I have to think smaller, more realistically.

Because I want to be a writer when I grow up.


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