Over the hump.

Jan 28, 2010 06:50

It has been a long week so far, between trying to conquer all of this homework and gearing up for Bob (arriving today, ugh ( Read more... )

real life:general, fandom:doctor who, real life:school

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Comments 9

chynnashley January 28 2010, 12:41:59 UTC
Ooooh, what episode are you on now?
I promise it gets better but I loved it from the beginning - ha :)



sache8 January 28 2010, 12:50:00 UTC
I just finished "The Aliens of London", I think it was called. The one with aliens unzipping their human suits at the forehead. ;-)


whereismysam January 28 2010, 13:28:48 UTC
Oooooohhh!!! Yayayayay! You're watching Doctor Who!!! *is so happy* Um, I hope my excitement didn't scare you. XD

Nine (Christopher Eccleston) is really good. And it will only get better from there.


sache8 January 28 2010, 17:09:10 UTC
Yup, I'm taking the plunge. LOL I figured you lot would be excited, actually. Don't you sometimes make Dr. Who marathons part of your girly get-together weekends out in MD? (I really need to get in on one of those sometime, dernit, and now Tracey's up and joined the dark side. ;-)


whereismysam January 28 2010, 17:16:05 UTC
Yes, we do!!!! The last time we actually managed to have one (which was a year ago this February - it's been crazybusy, obviously, especially for Tracey), we managed to make the whole weekend (or at least most of it) Doctor Who related. We made snacks in the shape of a famous Doctor Who villain (which you will meet shortly, since you're on "The Aliens of London" episode - the villain I speak of comes in like two episodes later), had Doctor Who tea, and watched all but the last three episodes of Season 4 (which I still haven't seen, darnit!).

Now that we know you're turned (LOL!), the next time we plan it, we'll definitely be inviting you! Tracey's not in MD anymore, but she hasn't moved far (NJ), and is still close enough that get togethers with should still be a possibility. We might be moving them to DE though. Nothing's been discussed, but gah!!! It would be totally awesome for you to come out for one those weekends! XD


Now I'm all super excited... ;-) He he!


smor January 30 2010, 18:58:45 UTC
Yes, I'd say moving them to DE is definitely a possibility--my old bedroom is going to be a guest room, so there will be somewhere for out-of-towners like you and Tracey to sleep! Once we get that done, anyway.

And good for you, finally watching Doctor Who. You have to at least make it to the end of season 3, for 4 reasons: a) because David Tennant is seriously a contender for the best Doctor ever (this coming from my mom, who's been a DW fan longer than I've been alive, but you'll meet him in season 2), b) "The Shakespeare Code" episode, and c) because there's a song I know that always makes me think it should be a DW vid, I always picture scenes from the end of the third season, and I have no talent for making those, so it might have to fall to you. ;)


shadow2serenity January 28 2010, 14:50:03 UTC
Ooh, you're watching Doctor Who??? Woo-who! ;) What episode are you up to now? I hope you're at or near 'The Empty Child' so that you can see the Eighth Wonder of the World that is Steven Moffat's writing. (He's taking over as head writer for the coming season and I CANNOT wait to see what flows from his pen.)

I've got Tal completely hooked. She loved the Ninth Doctor (was vocally bitter when the Tenth came on, until he got in a crabby old aristocrat's face) and she loves Rose even more. It's entirely up to you just like all fans, but I'm forever loyal to David Tennant. ;)

ETA: Aaaaaaand I see you've already answered my question in the comments I failed to read. :P Well, that just means you're close to another very good landmark episode (read: 'Dalek').


sache8 January 28 2010, 17:07:11 UTC
Yeah, a Monday or two before Christmas, I went out to Panera with one of my good friends from high school whom I hadn't seen since my niece was born (and then only for about two seconds), and we were catching up on any number of things, including TV shows. I was telling her all about DS9 and how sad I was going to be when it was over and that I was going to need a new show to take its place. She was like, "You should watch Dr. Who. We love Dr. Who."

It was kind of that last jenga piece you pull when everything comes crashing. Between your constant recommendations, the endorsement of my collective Maryland gang (traceria, whereismysam, and smor), and then Sarah, a RL friend, I was like, "Okay, gods of fandom, I get the message."

So here I am.

...that just means you're close to another very good landmark episode (read: 'Dalek').Sweet! Looking forward to it! Maybe I'll get to it tonight. I don't know how far down the queue it is, but mom and I will probably kill some more BSG tonight and I also want to finish off your fic, so we'll see ( ... )


shadow2serenity January 28 2010, 17:33:05 UTC
Eheh....kind of stalled, I'm afraid. Tal works with a guy who is also big into BSG and whose girlfriend has gone to school out your way. So we're holding off on BSG until she comes home and we can all pig out on BSG double-dates. ;)


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