Over the hump.

Jan 28, 2010 06:50

It has been a long week so far, between trying to conquer all of this homework and gearing up for Bob (arriving today, ugh).

The good news is that, although the week is not quite over yet, tonight I get a little breather. Yes, I still have homework, but it's just a short introductory reading assignment-- no written HW. I've saved that for tomorrow and Saturday and then I will be CAUGHT UP until next weekend!

So tonight I can get my HW out of the way quickly, and then be wide open to finally lavish some love on other things. Reassembling my bedroom, for example. Getting in a nice, long workout, maybe. Watching Doctor Who (oh yeah, I started watching Doctor Who, beginning with the Christopher Eccleston season. So far it's really bizarre, and while I don't love it, I don't hate it either). After this, I'll finally start watching Castle, guys, I promise. Even my boss is frustrated that I'm not watching it.

Well, it's going to be a long day before this rewarding evening, so I'd best get to it. In honor of Bob, maybe I'll allow myself a break from my very successful caffeine detox efforts and get a Diet Dr. Pepper.

real life:general, fandom:doctor who, real life:school

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