New vid - "Halo" - Aang/Katara - Avatar:The Last Airbender

Aug 28, 2009 07:09

Happy birthday, qwi_xux!!!!

Laura, this is for you. I had the vid bunny a week ago and I have been diligently and lovingly working on it every spare moment since. Finished up right on schedule last night. Happy Birthday!!!!

Vid: Halo
Edit: Sache8
Music: Beyoncé
Fandom: Avatar - The Last Airbender
Clips Used/Spoilers: Through Sozin's Comet: Pt IV
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sache8 August 28 2009, 13:43:40 UTC
Hehehe, I had that thought too. I'm glad, it makes me less impatient. On the other hand, it makes the anticipation build. And I don't begrudge her the lie-in. She's had a rough couple of weeks with the poison ivy.


qwi_xux August 28 2009, 15:33:03 UTC

That was AWESOME. You should see the huge, silly grin on my face. Just...EEEEEK! I loved it! You found so many, many Aang/Katara clips that people really don't use in vids--which really shouldn't be surprising, because you are the queen of using unused clips--but it added so much uniqueness to the vid. I'm going to have to watch it several more times to try to pinpoint my favorite parts, but the whole thing was just amazing and beautiful and THANK YOU THANK YOU!!! :D


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