New vid - "Halo" - Aang/Katara - Avatar:The Last Airbender

Aug 28, 2009 07:09

Happy birthday, qwi_xux!!!!

Laura, this is for you. I had the vid bunny a week ago and I have been diligently and lovingly working on it every spare moment since. Finished up right on schedule last night. Happy Birthday!!!!

Vid: Halo
Edit: Sache8
Music: Beyoncé
Fandom: Avatar - The Last Airbender
Clips Used/Spoilers: Through Sozin's Comet: Pt IV
Character/Pairing: Aang/Katara, both POVs.
Summary: Playmates, protectors, sweethearts, friends: Aang and Katara just are.
Disclaimer: Aang made a personal Avatar promise that this vid wouldn't be used for profit. ;-)

Link: Quicktime - 25.2 MB and streaming below.

image Click to view

Vidder's Notes: Okay, first of all, I would just like to point out that I now have two Avatar vids, each of a rival ship, and they are called "Hello" and "Halo" respectively. Does anyone else find that as funny as I do?

Secondly, well, I'm glad I followed through on this. I've had two previous ideas for Aang/Katara vids, and they just didn't work out because the energy wasn't right for whatever reason. I was listening to this song on my iPod last week and thinking about jalen_mara's Avatar marathon and the pieces clicked together. Most fortuitously of all, it was just before Laura's birthday. The spirit of this song is so perfect for Aang and Katara's very special relationship that it was an utter joy to work on, even if the deadline was a bit daunting and I suffered from clip-shortage panic two days ago (really, Laura, it would have been a whole lot easier if your birthday was in September). ;-) For my part, I came to appreciate the pairing on a whole new level (I really do think half of the reason for my strong Zuko preference has always been Aang's young age and lack of hair. I was so sad when he shaved it again for the invasion. Yes, I am quite superficial, LOL)

Anyway, I hope everyone enjoys the vid, especially the core group of faithful Aang/Katara supporters on my flist who suffer through the rival ship flailings of the rest of us. In some way, this vid is for all of you too. :-)

And happy birthday again, Laura. You're a shoulder when I need one. Friend, sister, councillor, comfort, and joy. You've been a gift straight from God to me, and sometimes it's hard to believe I haven't known you my whole life. Really I could apply this song to you, too. ;-)

fandom:avatar, vids:avatar, general:birthday, vids:all

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