Birthday fic!

Mar 08, 2008 01:22

Finally, I got something accomplished on my list of outstanding things to get done!

TITLE - Tea and Cake
AUTHOR - Sache8
GENRE - Romance
SUMMARY - An unlikely match. SG-1, Season 9 AU. Birthday fic for melyanna.
DISCLAIMER - Stargate doesn't belong to me, but Crack!Ships belong to us all. Also, there may be typos.
Click here for Fic!! )

fanfic:all, fandom:stargate sg1, general:birthday

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Comments 5

melyanna March 8 2008, 06:51:33 UTC
...this may in fact be up there with Yo-Yo Ma in terms of unexpectedly delightful.

I love it. Yay, Jack/Sarah fluff! *goes to reread* :D


angelqueen04 March 8 2008, 08:31:07 UTC
*grins* Wow, this is amazing! Love this take of Season 9. Daniel hop-skips off to Pegasus to turn it upside down and shake it drool over pretty Ancient-y things, leaving Jack to call in Sarah out of sheer desperation, and an outstanding story unfolds from there.

Wonderful job! It's great! :)


stef94 March 8 2008, 13:29:31 UTC
Here via melyanna, cos who could resist such utterances of glee? ;-)

Very unexpected ship, and me =like= LOTS :-D


sreya March 8 2008, 16:04:05 UTC
It's great to finally see this! You did a wonderful job, perfect balance of fluff and plot. *grin*


miera_c March 8 2008, 16:15:46 UTC
Daniel closed his mouth. "Come to think of it, she's probably a lot easier for you to get along with than me, isn't she?"

"Well, that's true, but that's not the reason you and I have never dated, sorry."

Bwah! :)

I love that the whole Ori mess was avoided because Daniel was safely tucked away in Atlantis where he and Vala couldn't cause the near-ruin of the Milky Way galaxy. *g*


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