Jan 17, 2006 09:07
Heading back to Caelin...I've been in Ostia long enough.
You've done a good job, keeping my double away from Caelin and preventing her from getting in. I'll pay you when I get back.
Nov 03, 2005 09:49
It was nice spending time with Hector again. I have been in Ostia for a while...I don't know when I plan on returning to Caelin.
In the meantime, though...I think I'll go take a walk in the castle gardens.
Oct 18, 2005 19:39
Waiting in Castle Ostia...decided to update my journal.
I'm kind of nervous...what could he want to see me about?
Oct 13, 2005 19:07
I'm in the castle town of Ostia. It would seem that Hector has done well with this place...
It's late right now however, so I'm staying in an inn for the night, then I will go see Hector.
Oct 10, 2005 20:25
I think that's done it. Matthew, you were a great help. Thank you.
Now I must go to Ostia...
[Filtered to Matthew]
If you're going to stay here at Caelin for a while, could you use your "talents" to make sure that my double doesn't come back to mess up the place? It would be much appreciated.
Oct 07, 2005 19:18
It seems that the servants Hector sent got here just fine. They were quite speedy too...Thank Father Sky that Matthew decided to help me out. I hope he didn't take anything.
Once I get things settled down in Caelin, I'll ride to Ostia...
Oct 03, 2005 20:31
I'm at Caelin now...and all I can say is...what in Mother Earth's name has happened here? Hector! I thought you were taking good care of the castle of my mother's blood!
Breathe, Lyn...
I need to start cleaning up the place...where in Father Sky's name are all the servants?
Sep 30, 2005 18:00
I ride towards Caelin...I'll admit, I'm still a little shaky on it, but it would be much worse if Rath had not taught me a little bit about the horse. Matthew told me that I must ride to Caelin with haste, and that is what I'm doing. I hope he can explain everything...especially after Erk told me that there are "doubles" running about.
Sep 29, 2005 19:43
I received a message...saying that I was needed in Lycia. It pains me to go away from the plains of my birth, but I must go. After all, there are certain Lycians that helped me. I don't know where the message originated from, but I think I will go to Caelin and start there.
Father Sky and Mother Earth, please be my guides.