Writer's Sign-Ups - Round 2

May 26, 2012 00:06

2012 Writer Rules and Sign-Ups

1. We're going with the two-tiered system again this year!

First Tier: the minimum length is 5,000 words.

Second Tier: the minimum length is 10,000 words.

When you sign up, please indicate which tier you will be shooting for (though we definitely won't hold you to it - if you start for 5k and end up with 7k or 10k, we're going to say yes, plz!). There is no maximum length!

2. Stories may be slash or gen or het. As long as the main pairing/characters are still Sam and Gabriel (so, yes, this means genderbending i.e. "girl!Sam" and/or "girl!Gabriel" is allowed). Threesomes or "moresomes" - as long as Gabriel and Sam are the main characters/pairing - are also allowed.

3. RPF - Real Person Fiction - (ie. Jared Padalecki/Richard Speight Jr., etc.) is allowed.

4. The relationship (whether slash, pre-slash, or gen) between Sam and Gabriel (or Jared and Richard) must be the central element of the story.

5. You can post your story on your journal. AO3 and Dreamwidth, and even Fanfiction.net are also acceptable. Stories must be unlocked when you post and remain unlocked. We'll create a master list of links here at the comm when posting is finished.

6. The story you write for this mini-bang must be completely new, or at least not posted in any shape or form anywhere else on the internet. This isn't a place where you can finish those pesky WIPs you've been posting, but a place to create new art and fiction for these two characters.

7. AU's and crossovers are allowed. (This includes pairings of the Jared/Gabriel, Richard/Sam, variety as well).

8. Only sign up to write ONE story. And, for now, only sign up for EITHER a story OR art. Not both. This may change closer to posting if we need more artists.

9. Co-writing is allowed. Only 1 of you needs to post a sign-up comment. But please note who you will be writing with so that we can make a note of it. :D

10. Stories must be beta'd. No exceptions. We'll have a beta sign-up post, and a post with beta communities you can utilize put up soon!

11. Writers must communicate with mods through the check-ins and with their assigned artist.

12. Pairing Sam or Gabriel with other characters and keeping the relationship between Sam and Gabriel gen is allowed. For example, your fic can be Sam/Dean as long as your fic is Sam & Gabriel-centric with a side of wincest. If Sam and Gabriel are not centric to your fic, you won't be allowed to post your entry to this community at the end of the challenge.

13. Plagiarism will not be tolerated.


May 26th - Sign-ups start
June 15th - Writer sign-ups end
July 13th - 1st Check in
July 27th - 2nd Check in
August 24th - Rough Drafts due + Art signs-up end
August 28th - Claims
September 15th - Art Drafts due
September 22nd - Staggered posting starts

To sign up:

Please comment below with the following information:

LJ username:
Author name:
I have read and understand the rules and deadlines:
Are you planning to write slash, gen, or het? (we won't hold you to it!)

Edit: I've already managed to be a moron and didn't put a spot for which tier you are signing up for. Thanks to everyone who thought of it when they commented below. I've edited the text area to include it for any others who sign up. @_@

round 2, .2012 sign ups, .2012 writer rules, .mod!post

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