Comment Fic Meme to hold everyone over!!

Apr 16, 2012 13:04

Hey everyone! I just wanted to let everyone know that I am working things out to set up a second Round of sabriel_mini. My original co-mod, insertcode11 has deleted her journal and left fandom, so I'm doing things on my right now. No worries! I've already got a new co-mod lined up, but she's busy until the start of next month. I'll make sure to announce who it is then, alright?

Get onto the point of this post!

Right! Well, I've set up a rough schedule of when sign ups and such should start. But I'm working on pimping banners and need to double check everything over. Hopefully we'll have as good a turn out as we did last year! *crosses fingers* But until I've got everything finished up, I wanted to post a little Sam/Gabriel comment fic meme here to give you all something to do!

(go ahead and pimp it out!)">" border="0" alt="Sam/Gabriel comment fic meme">

So leave some prompts in the comments! And write some fills for other prompts! Even if no one writes anything, I just wanted to put the option out there. And to let everyone know that I am alive and working on getting another round off the ground. I'll set up a Masterlist of any fills we get here!


- This layout allows subject lines. PLEASE USE THEM. When you fill a prompt please mark it as FILLED in the subject line, with the title of the fill and any warnings applicable.

- The pairing should have Sam Winchester and Gabriel/The Trickster involved somehow. They can be AU characters, all human, whatever.

- Threesomes/moresomes are very much welcome!

- EDIT: Art fills are just as welcome as writing fills!

- Anon commenting has been enabled. :D

- Have fun!


I’ll Pet Yours (If You’ll Pet Mine) - Prompt: AU or not. Sam's sitting on the floor (watching a movie or researching or doing homework, up to you) and Gabriel's sitting on the couch just behind him. Funny enough, that puts his head at the perfect level for Gabriel to start playing with his hair. ;D

Love May Still Be Lord of All - Prompt: Historic AU or not. Sam swears this oath for Gabriel. Setting is something with service, loyality and fealty.

Be without fear in the face of your enemies.
Be brave and upright that God may love thee.
Speak the truth, always; even if it leads to your death.
Safeguard the helpless and do no wrong... That is your oath.

Saviour - Prompt: An accident outside Jericho brings the local law enforcement out and Bill (Gabriel) knows the injured man by the side of the road. Back at town. Bill/Gabriel offeres to take teh young man in, as he says "he's family." More or less and it's in the morning Sam finds out where Gabriel went and hid after everyone thought he died.

Untitled - Prompt: Sam is rather long-suffering given the merciless teasing he puts up with from both Balthazar and Gabriel.

and srsly, I need some B/G/S.

High School AU - Prompt: "Dorks in love, that's what the jocks call us sir," Gabriel.

Gabriel's a senior in High School and the one person he adores, just happens to be one of the jocks. However Sam doesn't stand for the "dorks in love" comment.

meme, .mod!post

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