Wow, long time, no see.

Mar 04, 2015 17:51

Yes, after a long hiatus, I am back. Disappear for a few months and they rearrange the whole journal. Look like I need to look around and refamiliarise myself with it.

long rambling post about the last 6 months )

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Comments 6

bloodcult March 4 2015, 23:32:49 UTC
It's nice to see you again. I wish there was a transporter so I could ask for a jar of jam.


sabrebabe March 7 2015, 22:18:53 UTC
I did a quick inventory. I have red currant, red raspberry, strawberry, black raspberry (what happens when you plant blackberries too close to the raspberries), plum, cherry, mulled apple cider, and spiced pear. Gimme a holler and I'll send you out a couple if you want.


shiv5468 March 5 2015, 04:05:02 UTC
Gosh you've managed to fit a lot into those six months


sabrebabe March 7 2015, 22:20:24 UTC
Never a dull moment. :) I've got long-term plans for once in my life, and I'm trying to get all my ducks in a row before Lee keels over and I have to live off his pension. I'd kinda like to go on a nice holiday with him before then. :)


dickgloucester March 6 2015, 08:23:25 UTC
I've been watching your FB posts, but it's nice to have a fuller version. I am always so in awe of your energy and productivity.

I'm glad Lee is doing better.


sabrebabe March 7 2015, 22:21:26 UTC
THe CPAP machine has been a real blessing. He's sleeping so much better now, and has more energy during the day.

Now, if I can just keep him from overdoing it now that he feels better... :/


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