Wow, long time, no see.

Mar 04, 2015 17:51

Yes, after a long hiatus, I am back. Disappear for a few months and they rearrange the whole journal. Look like I need to look around and refamiliarise myself with it.

Long story short, I got busy with life and work (and juggling 2 jobs for a bit) and then the holiday retail madness, etc.

I got to work at The Halloween Superstore for a couple months, and got some great discounts there as well. Was a great time, and I loved the job. Too bad it looks like it may not be back in town next year, the profits haven't been very good for the last couple years. :( But, every penny I've made has been squirreled away for the trip to MISTI. Provided I can get the car fixed in time and on budget. :/

Now, I'm pulling a whopping 6 hours a week at work, so I'm working away at making things to sell to make up the difference. My lovely car is in the shop and that will put a serious crimp in things. Fortunately, they have given us a loner for now, but the tax return won't be enough for repairs. I swear we went through this this time last year. >:( I need to rattle some chains at work. And look at picking up a second job again. The district manger isn't pleased with me, and refuses to allow my manager to schedule me for anymore than 12 hours a week. Etsy sales haven't been happening, so I haven't done anything with it. Will have some fandom stuff in a few days.

I received a lovely boon last year, and had a wonderful time paying it forward. Nearly all of it went to a local family who's small son is undergoing cancer treatments. They have to take him downstate once a week, a 1200-mile round trip, every week. And they lose 3 days of work every week as well. How do I know the family? Mike, the father, grew up with my boys, and his little boy plays with my grandsons. And they're my neighbors. It was pretty easy to pay it forward.

Lee finally got his CPAP a few weeks ago, and it has been an absolute blessing. He sleeps very well now, and the CPAP machine is very quiet. In a couple of weeks he'll get his hearing aid. It will be awesome. The VA has been very efficient, lucky for us. Unfortunately, the local hospital where Lee had the sleep test isn't and charged us for the sleep test (boo!). They weren't supposed to, as they signed an agreement with the VA, but now we have (yet more)paperwork and burocratic nonsense to deal with.

Mom is doing great, in spite of our rocky summer trip. My aunt was buried with full honours. And just a few days later, I was able to attend my mother-in-law's wedding. I had wondered if she would stay single or remarry after Carl's death. I am glad for her, and my new father-in-law is a wonderful, sweet man. They came up here for a visit a couple months ago, but alas, I had to work that night. Lee got to meet his stepfather and is pleased his mom has a new companion.

Mom made the decision not to move back in August, she didn't have enough money for the move and the deposit on the new place. However, based on her income, she will be able to move this coming summer/fall. The living center will be happy to have her. I think she will be a great fit there. We just have to pare her belongings down from 3 bedroom, full basement and garage to 480sq.ft. She is ready to ditch everything, I think. The cousins and grandkids are going to have to come over this summer and fetch all the family heirlooms, furniture and knick knacks they want. Mom only wants her old bedroom set, her books, and her craft supplies (pared down, of course). I think I will need to clean out my storage unit. I tried doing that earlier last year, and found out that 2/3 of the stuff I'm holding is Donna's. :P

Lessee, had a new granddaughter in April- Donna's new little girl, Fiona. And then, just last month, Stu had another little boy (this one an "oops", with someone he isn't dating). He and Donna flew out to Arizona to meet little Kendrick last week! He's a small little boy, only came in at just a smidge over 6 pounds. :) Angi (Kendrick's mom) is a younger sister of one of Donna's classmates. So, Donna, Stu, and Fiona went out to meet new baby and do the touristy thing while in Arizona. I believe Stu is setting up some child support for Kendrick. I don't know if Angi is going to move back up here again, but she's staying with her mom for the time being. I do know St wants all his boys nearby, and it breaks his heart to have a new one so far away.

Lee is in physical therapy for the next few weeks. He hurt his back at work, and this is part of the whole work/injury thing. rather than having him sitting around until his back feels better, they want to strengthen his back muscles to support his weight as he moves about (cash registers and counters really aren't made for someone of his height). Let's see how much this will cost. :/ Still paying off the huge hospital bills from a couple years ago. At least we have a payment plan. All of our hospitals up here have gone to "For Profit", so, yeah. :/

Much jam was made this fall, much jam was sold, and there is still jam a-plenty. And there is still fruit in the freezer to make, well, more jam. And there is asparagus to be pickled. I am debating whether or not I want to set up a booth again at a spring craft show. I am just not feeling it right now. And besides- no car. :P

Upstairs bathroom has new walls in, and drywall, and some nice paneling. We are waiting on the flooring now. Mike works when he can (Mike- father of the little boy with cancer), and I give them money for gas and what not when I have it. (okay, above and beyond my pay-it-forward.) I am grateful that all my children were healthy, as are my grandchildren. I can only hope and pray that Cameron will shake off this cancer and be happy healthy little boy again. He's been a real trooper. Anyways, bathroom is still in a state of disrepair, but progress is being made now. Upstairs is still a disaster area, and I still can't reach the sewing machine. I think when the weather gets warmer, much stuff will be tossed out. More than usual. I'm just getting so tired of it all.

Facebook is a nice diversion, but boring. I have Netflix on a lot while I'm painting. Facebook is excellent, though, for keeping tabs on the kids and grandkids. I get all the neat photos as they come up. But I haven't got back into any of the facebook games that I was playing earlier. I kinda miss it, but my brain just doesn't want to play along. :P So, creativity it is. I scored a great deal on Italian floor tiles, so I'm currently painting lots of fandom logos on them. Got 15 of them finished last night. Will only have 9 more today. Have some I need to completely scrub and repaint. And I'm using a lot more clear coat than I though it would take. :/

Doctor Who and Hogwarts tiles are on the floor or today. Yesterday was Supernatural. Tomorrow will probably be Hogwarts and Supernatural. After than, I will have finished the first box of floor tiles. And the other two boxes are in my car, which is in the shop. It's been such a weird, busy couple of weeks I never got them out of the car. :P Also, I really need to round up all the yarn I have left and put back up on the etsy shop.

Oh, hey! I have discovered a ceramics shop in town! I knew it was there, but only just started hanging out there this past month. I'm having a wonderful time and getting out and socialising. :) And I can make all my own fandom pottery. So far, I have a mug, a bowl, a jar, and a yarn bowl. This week, I will make a nice dog food/water dish. I drew a pug in the bottom on one side. :) A nice, quick project and a great way to spend the day. Haven't decided what I'm going to make for next week yet. Maybe a teacup. We shall see. I wish I had a larger fandom following to draw from, but I am hopelessly picky about what I dive into. I think I might do a series of poisonous flowers next. That is a project I will start on in the future. I want to do a bunch of paintings based on Rappaccini's Garden. Again, later. After MISTI.

Also in the future: bringing down a few trees in the yard. Lee wants more berries, and I need to expand the garden. So I will have to rent a stump grinder and a tiller as well. Moving flowers and tying up the grapevines as well. I have a spot I would like to build a greenhouse, but it's currently a flower garden. :) So, lots of backbreaking hard labour this summer. So I'm hoping for a mild, sunny summer this year.

Well, I'm sure I missed a lot of things. Still thinking about fundraising for the car. We've written off the Jeep, and Lee is thinking about writing off the Mountaineer. So, back to work. I'll have quite a few tiles in a few days. let's just hope they sell. ::crosses fingers::

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