Struggling today

Mar 07, 2015 16:59

Woke up from a bad night of so-called "sleep". Had run out of one of my critical meds, and I won't be getting a refill until Monday or Tuesday. No fault on my part of the pharmacy, but the doctor's office failed to refill on time. Even though I did call it in with plenty of time to spare. So, my body isn't taking it well. It was my anti-seizure drug, too, so here's crossing my fingers I don't end up in the ER before then. :/

Not going to get much painting done today, I'm afraid. my hands are shaking far too much, and walking around on shaky legs is making me furious and afraid. Still, laundry is getting done, just not as fast as I want. Going up and down stairs is precarious. :/

In other news, still trying to round up $$ to get my car up and running. They are starting work on her Monday, and we will go from there. Am considering starting up a Go Fund Me to raise funds to get both vehicles up and running again, and getting insurance put back on Lee's car (his is currently under a pile of snow, as it's now going anywhere anyways. But it feels so... fickle to me to ask for that. I always though of the Go Fund Me as for people who were in serious need, like medical funds and stuff like that. We aren't *needy*, I don't think, but with both of us working (well, me kinda at this point), one vehicle between us was a bit of a stretch. With no vehicle, we now have to rely on others for transportation. Not a great scenario, since Lee works until 9pm, after most taxis stop running. Still, I'm thinking about it. I just don't know how to justify it to myself.

So today, I am going to take it slow, watch some movies, and check up on some art supplies for a class I'm giving next month. It's one class a week for the Month of April, and I'll be teaching a group of mentally handicapped adults of varying degrees of ability. I've done t before, and it was a wonderfully messy riot of fun. I gave them permission to decorate as they pleased, and brought in s variety of things to glue and paint with (they make paper mache masks). This year we will be making bird house from small gourds. I have to root through my closet and find that bag of gourds I've been hoarding for years. They should be fine. That should be two classes, then we will make our own handmade paper. Haven't quite decided what the last class will be. Possibly mobiles. I need to go through all my supplies and see what I can donate to the cause. This also has the added benefit of helping me clear out some stuff that is taking up way too much badly-needed space. And I can gut the gourds ahead of time and save the seeds. They are already dried out- have been for years. I just didn't know what to do with them. They just grew in my garden one year. Have no idea what they are. About the size of basebells/softballs, will a little lump at the top. Looks like they were trying to be "birdhouse gourds", but never quite made it. Oh well, will give me something to grow in the garden this year and see if they pop up again. :)
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