Another setback

Feb 05, 2014 19:54

Did taxes, no money for the car repairs. In fact, we owe this year, because Lee didn't put enough aside in his 401K to get the write-off. >:( So, we not only pay the feds, but had to shell out for the tax preparer as well. Good thing I have been stingy with money of late. It will give us a small (very small) buffer to work with for Lee getting to ( Read more... )

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Comments 1

chorus_of_chaos February 6 2014, 01:07:12 UTC
give me a link to your etsy shop and I'll pimp it, I have a lot of crochet and knitters on my flist.

Is there anyone that Lee could possible carpool with some of the time to help save money? maybe someone who would only have to go a little out of there way for maybe five or ten bucks a week to help with gas money who would give him a ride? Well, would Lee even do that is also a question, I know some men can be mighty weird about how they travel :P

god I wish there was something I could do to help. I'm starting to wonder if the whole world broke a mirror or something with the bad luck going around. Is something or another in retrograde???


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