Another setback

Feb 05, 2014 19:54

Did taxes, no money for the car repairs. In fact, we owe this year, because Lee didn't put enough aside in his 401K to get the write-off. >:( So, we not only pay the feds, but had to shell out for the tax preparer as well. Good thing I have been stingy with money of late. It will give us a small (very small) buffer to work with for Lee getting to and from work ($10/day for cab fare). I will need to prepare another batch of soup/stew/something in a crock pot for his continued lunches at work, as we won't be able to afford for him to buy lunch at work.

I won't lie, it's going to be very tight with me not working until May-ish. I called in this morning and let them know I was going to need a Leave of Absence, simply because I no longer have a ride to and from work, it was difficult when we were both working and had only one vehicle. :P

I'm hoping that 2014 will get all this out of it's system and the rest of the year will go swimmingly. Mom's prognosis is excellent, so I don't have to plan for a funeral or anything (the move and clearing out her stuff for said move is going to be hair-raising enough!). And I will get 2 months of spinning done while I'm at mom's! That should build up my etsy shop again nicely. So, must remember to pack up not only the spinning wheel, but the drum carder as well. And find a vacuum storage bag for all the wool. Well, most of the wool. Or maybe enough to make a dent in the wool. I really need to stop buying wool and just spin up what I have first. :P

So tired.
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