Reunited -Part 6 Cowboy!fic

Oct 15, 2010 11:57

Title: Reunited
Author:  Saberivojo
Characters:  Cowboy!Sam and Cowboy!Dean  AU
Disclaimer:  I own nothing.  I just like playing with the boys.
Summary:  Cowboy!AU Sam and Dean find Pa
Thanks again to roque_clasique .  She is the most amazing beta.
Follow up to Cowboy!AU   Put Away Wet (part 1), Finding Sam (part 2 ( Read more... )


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Comments 20

Yeeeeeha! vyvsy October 15 2010, 22:10:57 UTC
How have I missed this ficcy 0_o? Going to have to whizz backwards and start at the beginning:). Loving this part ~ are you a horsewoman by any chance, young lady? Judging by the descriptions of the horses, I'd say you are!


Re: Yeeeeeha! saberivojo October 15 2010, 22:15:45 UTC
Ha. Yes, I am. I spent many year riding hunters, eventers and dressage horses. Start from the beginning hon, it will make more sense. Let me know how it flows, it has been awhile since I started at the beginning. This was a one shot that morphed into six chapters. I think it will end with chappy 7. I think.


vyvsy October 15 2010, 22:21:40 UTC
Will do, my luvverley:)! *reverses* xxx


kimmer1227 October 15 2010, 23:54:42 UTC

Love the blending of canon. John is still an ole bull. Hee.

So glad you manage to find fic time in your ultra busy life.


saberivojo October 16 2010, 00:16:17 UTC
Glad you liked! Even John? Also happy the canon dialogue worked. Hopefully, I have one more chapter to go, then I'm gonna see about maybe posting the whole damn thing somewhere.


roque_clasique October 16 2010, 00:54:35 UTC

Can't wait to meet Daniel Elkins :)

&hearts &hearts &hearts


saberivojo October 16 2010, 02:11:54 UTC
It turns out that Daniel is a cantankerous SOB. It ought to be interesting, him and JDub.


charis_kalos October 16 2010, 02:24:26 UTC
This is brilliant. I love the way the boys and John are so very in character in such a different setting. Supernatural really is part-Western; this 'verse makes that part of its genetic heritage obvious.


saberivojo October 16 2010, 02:27:55 UTC
Oh hon! How wonderful that you are still sticking with this fic and that you are enjoying.

I agree with SPN being a Western. I am happy although the boys are on horses, you can tell they are the Winchesters.



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