Reunited -Part 6 Cowboy!fic

Oct 15, 2010 11:57

Title: Reunited
Author:  Saberivojo
Characters:  Cowboy!Sam and Cowboy!Dean  AU
Disclaimer:  I own nothing.  I just like playing with the boys.
Summary:  Cowboy!AU Sam and Dean find Pa
Thanks again to roque_clasique .  She is the most amazing beta.
Follow up to Cowboy!AU   Put Away Wet (part 1), Finding Sam (part 2 ( Read more... )


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Comments 20

saphirablue October 16 2010, 09:48:37 UTC
=) Another part! Yay! :)

They are finally reunited.

Thank you for all the little horse details! :)


saberivojo October 16 2010, 09:55:32 UTC
Thanks! I actually have pix of the horses. I'm thinking I might throw them in at the end so you can see kinda what I am thinking of with them. I have never put pictures in fic before and I am really, really bad with anything regarding LJ and posting. (look at how crazily I do cuts and stuff) I'm thrilled you keep coming back to read. Sorry it has taken sooo long to post. I keep expecting you to just throw in the towel and give up on reading something that has taken months to write.


saphirablue October 16 2010, 10:08:03 UTC
Pics of the horses! =) Hurra! :)

Maybe I could help you figuring it out? I am not that good with coding and so on too, but maybe togehter we could figure it out? :) Just drop me a PM or something if you want. :)

Hey, if it's a good story I'm willing to wait for the parts. :) And this story sucked me in (Dean with a hurt leg and on a horse - ♥ ).


saberivojo October 16 2010, 21:46:19 UTC
I'll let you know when I am ready to post the final chappy. Maybe we can figure dumb LJ out. Or maybe it is just dumb Saberivojo.


brigid_tanner October 17 2010, 02:39:50 UTC
YAY!!! and now I want more, immediately! LOL!
Loved it all, but this was my favorite line:
His father might kill them, but he sure as hell isn’t gonna shoot them.


saberivojo October 17 2010, 09:13:39 UTC
I have to admit, I kinda liked that too. Thanks for sticking with me brigid! I hope I get the next chapter up sooner rather than later but RL she is an evol b.


embroiderama October 17 2010, 21:51:51 UTC
Ah, yes, I LOVE this story--so glad to see more. And we get John Winchester! :D


saberivojo October 17 2010, 22:09:06 UTC
Well, John Winchester always makes my heart go pitter patter and then pitter again. Just the thought of the man on a horse. Gahhh. Glad you haven't given up on my little cowboy AU.


debbiel66 October 18 2010, 00:24:55 UTC
I think this is my favorite installment yet. I adore the way you wrote the confrontation between Sam and John. It felt so very much them and yet true to your universe. Just very skillfully done.

I will be optimistically waiting for more! Thank you. &hearts


saberivojo October 18 2010, 00:34:12 UTC
It might be my favorite too, mostly 'cause John is in it. But I kinda have a thing for John. A big old thing for John. As if you didn't know!

Thanks so much for your kind words and for hanging around despite how looonnnggg this has taken!


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saberivojo December 29 2010, 06:58:18 UTC
How sweet! I'm working on the next chapter now that I have some time off of school. I think this will be the last one, but who knows.

I have to admit, the thought of the boy on horseback kind of makes me weak in the knees.

Glad you have enjoyed it so far.


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