Heading Home- part 3 Cowboy!fic

Feb 10, 2010 21:16

Title:  Heading Home
Author: Saberivojo
Characters:  Cowboy!Dean, Cowboy!Sam, Cowboy!Bobby
Rating:  PG 13 for potty mouth GenDisclaimer:  I own nothing, just like playing with the boys.
Summary:  Follow up to Cowboy!AU Put Away Wet saberivojo.livejournal.com/26548.html#cutid1 And Finding Sam  saberivojo.livejournal.com/27860.html You really should read ( Read more... )


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Comments 35

brigid_tanner February 11 2010, 04:53:50 UTC
I'm loving this more with each chapter. Happy Sam has a fitting horse. Enjoyed getting more info on Dean's injury. Bobby's awesome :) Loved Sam sitting there listening, drinking quietly, then backing Dean and not being as drunk as Dean thought he was. Can't wait for more.


saberivojo February 11 2010, 04:58:42 UTC

What a lovely comment. As long as it keeps you coming back! Bobby is awesome isn't he? *schmishes Bobby*

Thanks for continuing to read.


charis_kalos February 11 2010, 05:42:07 UTC
Don't think I've commented on this before, but I'm really enjoying it. Fascinating that John managed to train the boys without letting them in on the 'hunting' secret. Was it because keeping that sort of secret was easier before television and the internet or because "being raised as warriors" was more normal back then?

I really like Bobby in this 'verse, and I want to know more about him.

I wonder if Sam's more willing to support Dean here than 21st-century-Sam because of Dean's leg. Both backing Dean up on his "I may be a fuckin’ cripple but I’m not worthless" and taking care of him?


saberivojo February 11 2010, 11:39:13 UTC
I have a guilty secret regarding the training thing. This was just a one-shot and I never got that far ahead! But you are right about my thought process with "being raised as warriors". Folks had to be more independent back then in terms of being able to handle whatever came to their door.

There was no cops to call in the middle of the night. No grocery market to pick up dinner, so for John to train them even harder under the premise of just making better at what they should be doing any way was not too much of a stretch.

I think you might be right about Sam and Dean too. The brother dynamics are a little changed. How that plays out yet, I'm not quite sure!

Thanks so much for reading.


jackfan2 February 11 2010, 06:01:13 UTC
Hmm.. I wonder if Sam's finding Dean hurt in that coral that night was the first vision he'd gotten and he just never told Dean about it. Hmm ( ... )


saberivojo February 11 2010, 11:43:47 UTC
Hmm. You are a thinker...

I have to tell you, I thought of John Wayne a lot when going over horses for Sam. (Dean too for that matter) I thought about that big appy more than once. That appaloosa is one of my favorites too.

One of my favorite westerns is The Outlaw Josey Wales.

*checks to see if we were not joined at the hip*

I will be using that tag if it helps.

Thanks for hanging around and reading!


lnhart February 11 2010, 13:56:50 UTC
I'm really enjoying this. Interesting to see how Dean copes with his leg, but is still the Dean we know from the show. I'm eager for them to meet up with John!

I liked the part where Bobby was listing all the training details and Dean was backpedaling and justifying and making excuses and then Sam said, "I just figured he was an asshole." Hee. John and Sam. Love it.


saberivojo February 11 2010, 15:13:05 UTC
You know that Sam would say that right? Of course he would. Notice too that neither Bobby nor Dean disagreed!

Thanks so much for reading and following. I appreciate it!


feliciakw February 11 2010, 14:02:07 UTC
Ooh, curiouser and curiouser.

*waits patiently for next chappie*


saberivojo February 11 2010, 15:13:54 UTC
Is "curiouser" even a word?


Thanks for your patience ma'am.


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