Heading Home- part 3 Cowboy!fic

Feb 10, 2010 21:16

Title:  Heading Home
Author: Saberivojo
Characters:  Cowboy!Dean, Cowboy!Sam, Cowboy!Bobby
Rating:  PG 13 for potty mouth GenDisclaimer:  I own nothing, just like playing with the boys.
Summary:  Follow up to Cowboy!AU Put Away Wet saberivojo.livejournal.com/26548.html#cutid1 And Finding Sam  saberivojo.livejournal.com/27860.html You really should read ( Read more... )


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Comments 35

sothcweden February 11 2010, 02:47:21 UTC
I'm enjoying this more and more as we go. I really like the idea of Howard, and I can't help but wonder if there's something special about that horse. Good on Sam for stepping up without being prompted.

I especially like the dynamic between Bobby and the boys in this chapter, and now I'm wondering about Bobby's backstory in this 'verse, and how he ended up the foreman on the Winchester ranch.


saberivojo February 11 2010, 03:48:32 UTC
I have this picture of Howard in my head. I wish I could find a corresponding pic on the internet. I will keep looking.

I'm glad you liked Bobby and the boys. Bobby is such and amazing character, it is fun to throw him back in the west with the boys.

Thanks for reading and letting me know what works for you.


embroiderama February 11 2010, 02:58:45 UTC
Yay to more of this! I love Bobby. And oh, wounded Dean! ♥


saberivojo February 11 2010, 03:49:40 UTC
I love Bobby too. Thanks for sticking with me and keep up the reading!


saschi212 February 11 2010, 03:43:51 UTC
Yay!! I love Dean's reunion with Mac! Also, I love this: Just the fact that his brother even owns a valise is enough to make Dean wanna give him a good hard cuff to the head. College boy. I really enjoyed this and I can't wait for more :) Thanks for sharing!


saberivojo February 11 2010, 03:52:25 UTC
Thank you so much. I'm thrilled you like it! I have to admit that that line you picked out kind of made me snicker. I just love the idea of Sam and his college boy ways making Dean just naturally want to whap him one.


saschi212 February 11 2010, 04:07:58 UTC
Haha yes :) But I love how Sam has that bit of farmboy in him, too, knows his way around a horse. The details about the horses are fantastic, the way they show affection and the way they're handled, like Mac mouthing Dean's hair or Bobby grooming the buckskin mare. Those details make the situations seem so real.


saberivojo February 11 2010, 04:56:43 UTC
Thank you. I'm glad everything seems realistic. I have a long history with horses, I am thrilled that it comes across as natural and true to life.


kimmer1227 February 11 2010, 03:53:09 UTC
That was quick!

Now, for the next chapter...


saberivojo February 11 2010, 03:56:27 UTC
Well, I will probably have less time to write once the snow melts. Say ...May? :) Actually, I need to do some school work so I am gonna make sure that I knock it out tomorrow.

Thanks for your help, Kim.


quellefromage February 11 2010, 03:56:37 UTC
Oh, the Dean and Mac reunion was everything I hoped for and more...YAY!!

And now Sam has a horse too!! Honestly, you could just write about them riding and grooming the horses and I'd be completely content. *G*


saberivojo February 11 2010, 03:59:21 UTC
The funny part is I could do that. Day in day out, the boys and their horses. I doubt though that everyone would agree with your contentedness.

Oh and I'm glad the Mac and Dean reunion was a good thing.


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