*rubs my John!girl heart* (general spoilers ahead for this past season)

May 04, 2013 08:51

So does anyone else think there is a change in writing about John (and the boy's childhood) this year?

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meta, love my show, john, john and the boys

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Comments 37

killerweasel May 4 2013, 13:06:42 UTC
The Grand Canyon thing-

Way back in Season 2, Dean mentions he's always wanted to go to the Grand Canyon and never got the chance. So when they mentioned a trip there in the most recent episode, I got horribly confused. I have to assume whoever was writign it didn't bother going back and making sure they weren't mucking around with established canon.

That being said, if I hadn't rememebred Dean mentioning it, it would have been a very nice moment.


saberivojo May 4 2013, 13:49:45 UTC
You are right about the Grand Canyon thing. I think that the show writers either don't really know the show or that they just don't understand the eagle eyes (or ears) of us fangurls! (They so should know though, I hate when there is a lack of continuity) That being said, I hold onto the positive John stuff so hard that I'm willing to forgive the holes.

Although really? Dean hadn't remembered the trip until Sam brought it up. Maybe he just didn't remember?

Not very plausible but I suppose that is how the writers could have justified the error.


tifaching May 4 2013, 13:18:05 UTC
It is good. I've always been a fan of John. And I think that it is because they are maturing and getting further distanced from their issues with him. The appearance of Henry couldn't have hurt either. With all the issues John had, at least he never abandoned them as children like he thought his father had done.

But I can't with the Grand Canyon trip because Dean, at least (according to canon), has never been there.


saberivojo May 4 2013, 13:52:51 UTC
Yeah, I know about the Grand Canyon trip..killerweasel said the same thing! I'm just so happy that there seems to be a change in the "I HATE DAD HE WAS SO MEAN!" stuff that I hold onto the positive stuff like it is gold.

You might be right about the maturing and distancing. I've thought that too.

It feels good though. Like I can take a deep breath. I love John - I do- but I never write him as perfect. I do write him always as loving his boys though, if not always the perfect father.


embroiderama May 4 2013, 13:28:34 UTC
Yes! The positive John stuff this season has been really wonderful. I feel like, for a while, some of the main writers and whatnot were people who really didn't like John and now maybe some of those people aren't working on the show. IDK I just know that seasons back when we first started hearing worse things about John, at first it felt like, "Okay, this makes sense for Dean, it's healthy that he's questioning the way he grew up and seeing the problems with it," and then it stopped feeling like it came from the characters and started feeling like it came from the writers.

And yet, any time we see John directly (other than way back in Something Wicked, I think) he's a decent guy. It just felt for a while that we had show writers/producers who were like the fangirls who considered S1 Sam's POV on John to be completely true rather than the feelings and posturing of an angry college kid. *smh*


saberivojo May 4 2013, 13:57:59 UTC
It just felt for a while that we had show writers/producers who were like the fangirls who considered S1 Sam's POV on John to be completely true rather than the feelings and posturing of an angry college kid.

So true! I've been saying that for years. I know you know that is how I feel too.

We can't always believe Sam or Dean's POV on Dad, because he is DAD. Children (and parents too sometimes) look back on their respective relatives with glasses tinged by who they are and what they are. It makes for a distorted opinion of the parent or child in question. I think that this happens with children more often than their parents because parents are the adults in the equation and they can see the big picture a little clearer.

I agree with John being a decent guy. He wasn't perfect but very seldom is any parent perfect.

Thanks for joining in the thread! I can always count on you for some insight.


ficwriter1966 May 4 2013, 14:07:07 UTC
I've rambled on about John quite a bit, as you know! Really, my take on it is... as much as we like to see John as a kickass hero, I tend to think that there were moments where he was just a human being, and things FREAKED HIM THE HELL OUT. Like coming back to the motel room to find the Shtriga hovering over Sam. What parent wouldn't go completely apeshit? Yelling. Just losing control. Was it crappy of him to unload on Dean like that? Sure, but who hasn't unloaded on someone they love, and regretted it later ( ... )


saberivojo May 4 2013, 14:19:42 UTC
So right with you. (but you knew that!) John is kickass but not always a hero. More like a kickass human.

Like coming back to the motel room to find the Shtriga hovering over Sam. What parent wouldn't go completely apeshit? Yelling. Just losing control. Was it crappy of him to unload on Dean like that? Sure, but who hasn't unloaded on someone they love, and regretted it later?

See that right there? That's what I say! If anyone was to come into that situation, I could understand them going a little bonkers. We are all human, it's what separates us from the things that boys hunt. It doesn't mean that John was bad - just a regular person!

I wonder about this being Jeremy Carver's vision though because Season one's John was so much more likable than following seasons. Did Kripke always want John to be a dick? For some reason, I don't think so. He said early on that the show was about family. Family is Sam and Dean but it is also John (and Bobby too really). I think that maybe - although he says he had a five year plan, it ( ... )


annemiek81 May 4 2013, 14:11:44 UTC
I absolutely loved the last ep and hw they mentioned John :) made me smile! So glad its going in that direction!


saberivojo May 4 2013, 14:20:31 UTC
Me too! I feel like I can take a deep breath. I hope this is the beginning of some resolution and reconciliation regarding John.


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