heaven help me...

May 04, 2012 08:50

I can't even believe I'm saying this, but... I think I'm going to sign up for het_bigbang. The stories aren't due until late August. The word count minimum, if I want artwork (and OMG I WANT ARTWORK!!!!) is 25,000 words. *looks at monster* *looks at 7k fic written in 3 days* If I write Hunger Games, I really don't think 25k will be a problem. BUT ( Read more... )

the hunger games, challenges, literary boyfriends, just saw finnick odair in his underwear, the all-powerful flist, writing, fic challenges, things to do, fic ideas

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Comments 35

deathmallow May 4 2012, 13:22:47 UTC
Yikes. That's quite an undertaking. I've knocked off 15-20K in a weekend when I'm really inspired, but it's really a matter of finding the right plot bunny.

Although considering I've visited the 51st and the 75th, I suppose I could try writing a fic somewhere between the 67th and 70th Games, i.e., young!Finn/Jo, maybe some developing hints of Finn/Annie.


sabaceanbabe May 4 2012, 14:10:05 UTC
Yeah, you really do have to have the right plot bunny or it'll just fizzle. (Which is what happended the last time I signed up to write for this challenge and I ended up dropping out.)


deathmallow May 4 2012, 14:15:01 UTC
Although...I just got a potential plot bite for an AU where Haymitch wasn't in the 50th Games (and KatPrim are his kids, rather like that AU prompt I wrote for GoF) and Maysilee was the victor and all of that because yeah, Maysilee (and the implied rebelliousness of the Donners via the mockingjay pin) sorta intrigues me.


sabaceanbabe May 4 2012, 14:16:49 UTC

Dude! You're supposed to be giving ME prompts, not finding your own! :P

(I would totally read that and egg you on LIEK WHOA, just so's you know.)


ancarett May 4 2012, 14:05:10 UTC
I am tempted to do this again. It will depend on how The Avengers moves me.

Would you do an AU if you opt for the big bang?


sabaceanbabe May 4 2012, 14:08:45 UTC
I would indeed be up for AU, if the story idea speaks to me. :D


ancarett May 4 2012, 14:44:51 UTC
I've thought about an AU where there's not visual broadcast technology but only audio and theatre newsreels - Finnick has some of the flare of an early movie star with the whole groupies and Presidential/Studio control.

I'd never write in this universe but it intrigues me as a fandom.


msdisdain May 11 2012, 15:43:36 UTC
Well, hello, ancarett. You may have seen on my other livejournal account that I have a separate fic pseud and account now; I don't want to link the other here, but it's Melissa. From old school J/C-dom. Hey. :-)


callmeonetrack May 4 2012, 14:21:49 UTC

Most fics for them are Post-Mockingjay of course, but I'd love to read a great AU with them. Maybe they go into the games together and CONSCIOUSLY start a revolution! Plotting! Planning! Commiseration! ACTION!


sabaceanbabe May 4 2012, 15:24:48 UTC
That idea... is very intriguing. I'd have to work up a backstory. Probably have some stuff in early chapters before they ever meet. They're both very rebellious in nature, so that consciously starting a revolution could work, but I'd have to clear my head of my existing ideas as to age (5 years difference isn't a "bad" thing when we're talking 25 and 30, but 13 and 18 goes a little weird for me, when I think "shippy." :P Of course, that could be when they start out and then it goes shippy later...

Well, obviously, your prompt is sparking something. I'll have to think about it some more and see if it sparks enough. :D


callmeonetrack May 4 2012, 15:27:07 UTC
I could see them meeting in the training center and getting competitive about getting a better score than each other, but also maybe having a bit of flirtation/mutual admiration for each other! (Maybe it's for a quarter quell and it's not a "repeat-victors" theme but just that they change the age-limits? So that Gale is 19 and Johanna's 23 or 24?)


sabaceanbabe May 4 2012, 15:29:52 UTC
I think they'd have to open it up to all district citizens, including past victors, to make that work, because for me, part of what makes Johanna Johanna is her time in the arena.


I kinda like that.


mfirefly10 May 4 2012, 19:44:59 UTC
I have no prompt suggestions because I suck at that but I'd certainly be happy to see more Finnick/Annie from you. Or Finnick/Johanna. Or Johanna/Gale :)


sabaceanbabe May 5 2012, 11:49:53 UTC
Heh. Thanks, hon. ♥


raincitygirl May 5 2012, 01:12:19 UTC
I think Johanna/Gale would be *fascinating*.


sabaceanbabe May 5 2012, 11:51:06 UTC
taragel definitely provided a spark to that one. If it keeps talking to me (ala fic outline), I may do it.


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