vid idea

Feb 03, 2011 10:26

So. I've had this idea percolating for a while that I want to vid Muse's Undisclosed Desires as a kind of love letter to my favorite female characters, but, even after thinking it over for a couple of months, I can't decide whether I want to do a general, multi-fandom vid or a wash-the-misogynistic-taste-from-my-mouth BSG-centric vid. That's ( Read more... )

polls, i'm such a geek, the all-powerful flist, awesome women, vid ideas

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Comments 16

nicole_anell February 3 2011, 16:16:44 UTC
I originally said "all the fandoms" but I'm very torn!

Also amused because (a) that song was my ringtone and (b) I'm used to thinking about it as Leoben's mixtape to Kara, heh.


sabaceanbabe February 3 2011, 16:27:33 UTC
So you understand my dilemma! And LOL. :P


rose_griffes February 3 2011, 17:09:59 UTC
(b) I'm used to thinking about it as Leoben's mixtape to Kara, heh.

BWAHAHAHA, it is! (Cannot unthink it now, augh!)


rose_griffes February 3 2011, 17:11:13 UTC
I voted for all BSG but actually I could go either way on this.

(But it would be cool to have an all BSG vid, yeah.)


sabaceanbabe February 3 2011, 20:10:21 UTC
I know! I keep waffling. *looks at poll* And so far, I'm not getting any help in the decision making. :P



lee_in_limbo February 3 2011, 17:28:04 UTC
Well, I'll tell you, I'm pretty much over my feelings about BSG one way or another. Moore pretty much killed my love, figuratively and literally. So for me, a BSG-centric video wouldn't be as rewarding as a more general heroine-centric video. I'd even be happier with a strictly sci-fi-centric heroine vid.

That said, doing the BSG vid would probably be a lot easier for you (organizationally speaking), and it sounds to me like you need to exorcise some demons of your own. So if what you really need to do is a Women-of-BSG vid, I say have at it, hon.

BTW, good song choice. I look forward to seeing what you do with it.


sabaceanbabe February 3 2011, 20:13:13 UTC
Thanks, babe.

There are certainly enough fandom women in general who have gotten the short end of the stick to make it work as a multi-fandom vid, but I think the BSG vid might have more emotion...

Decisions, decisions....


mfirefly10 February 3 2011, 17:46:48 UTC
I went for a BSG centric one but obviously anything celebrating women would be awesome!

If you do a multifandom one, I'd love to see some Doctor Who, Farscape, & T:SCC ladies, as well as my beloved Annie Sawyer :]


sabaceanbabe February 3 2011, 20:15:46 UTC
Man. Every time I start to think if it as a multi-vid, the awesome women in your icon start showing up more than anyone else. Except Teyla. And Tosh. And Riley. And Jesse. You know, the ones who got shafted by canon. *sigh*

Maybe I'll just do two vids. :P


mfirefly10 February 3 2011, 23:54:31 UTC
Canon is stupid sometimes.

The more vids the better, I say :D


beccatoria February 3 2011, 19:58:28 UTC
Okay I voted BSG because I do think this would be an awesome vid in which to make a kind of...point about the ways in which that show ultimately failed the female characters, in a simultaneous wash-the-bad-taste-out and middle-finger-to-RDM sort of way. But it was a close call because I think it would also be awesome as a multifandom vid and possibly also a less...bitter experience. ;)

So basically I'm not sure. I started listening convinced I thought that spending time on the multiship vid would be more rewarding but then I heard it is kinda BSG-y.

So yes. There. I am just as torn as you... :p


sabaceanbabe February 3 2011, 20:21:05 UTC
in a simultaneous wash-the-bad-taste-out and middle-finger-to-RDM sort of way

Yes, this. Exactly this. But at the same time...

it would also be awesome as a multifandom vid and possibly also a less...bitter experience

It would probably only be a little less bitter because a lot of the women who would go into a multi-fandom version would be Teyla from Stargate Atlantis and Toshiko Sato from Torchwood and Dana Scully from X-Files and pretty much any of the women from Caprica and Anna and Pearl from the Vampire Diaries and, well, I could go on, but basically all the women who got shafted if not outright fridged.

Like I said above, maybe I'll just make two vids, when I finally get the chance to do this.


daybreak777 February 3 2011, 20:31:53 UTC
I'm watching the poll to see what happens! *watches*

You thought Dana Scully got shafted? Aww! But I agree about Tamara Adama. That was kinda wrong.

*keeps watching*


sabaceanbabe February 3 2011, 20:38:44 UTC
A lot of what I remember from the last days of X-Files, sadly, taints the awesome that was the first few seasons. I don't know. Maybe a rewatch is in order, since it's been years since I've seen it. My possibly faulty memory just keeps telling me that Dana was out of character for much of the final season.


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