
Jan 25, 2011 12:13

Do you guys ever feel paralyzed by self-doubt and over thinking things? Stemming from real life and bleeding over into fannish life. It’s gone from the realization during interviewing candidates for my assistant’s replacement that they’re all - ALL - better qualified for my job than I am, to reading fic (and published novels) or watching vids and ( Read more... )

whining, stuff, i didn't mean to get all that on you

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Comments 37

daybreak777 January 25 2011, 17:33:50 UTC
Do you guys ever feel paralyzed by self-doubt and over thinking things? Stemming from real life and bleeding over into fannish life.
In a word, yes. :-) I think you and I may have had a comment discussion about this very thing. Heck, I may still owe you a comment back.

As for the job, you have more experience, yes? That counts for a lot. And I adore some of your fics and vids. Maybe the grass is always greener?



sabaceanbabe January 25 2011, 22:01:06 UTC
Experience. Yes, I may not have the education they have, but I do have 12 years of experience.

And thank you. *hug*


bionic January 25 2011, 17:37:38 UTC
Self-doubt, yes, all the time..(right now even, as I try to motivate myself to look for a better job.) The hard part is not letting it hinder your brilliance - We are all unique snow flakes. *hugs*


sabaceanbabe January 25 2011, 22:02:00 UTC


sache8 January 25 2011, 17:38:12 UTC
I just finished reading both of Rick Riordan's new novels and I know how you feel, like never looking at my theater book again. Why the heck do I bother, et. al?

*hugs* Just go watch "Be Yourself" or "Nobody Knows" and feel much better about yourself. I watch those all the time. :-)


sabaceanbabe January 25 2011, 22:03:23 UTC
Aw, thank you. :)

And you've reminded me that I have a new LJ comm I want to join. It was mentioned at the end of your book. ;)


mamaboolj January 25 2011, 18:02:16 UTC
Do you guys ever feel paralyzed by self-doubt and over thinking things? Stemming from real life and bleeding over into fannish life.Absolutely. One of the reasons I decided not to write anymore. I was paralyzed by self-doubt and over thinking. Mine was for different reasons than yours, though. I lost all my inspiration to write, in part because some of my writing wasn't receiving the reaction I'd hoped for and that led me to doubt everything I tried to write and over think what I did write. ("Real Life"and fandom BS also played large roles in the decision ( ... )


sabaceanbabe January 25 2011, 22:05:16 UTC
*clings* Man, I wish we lived closer to each other. And you are very wise for one so young. ;)


mamaboolj January 25 2011, 22:54:29 UTC
*hugs you tightly*


mrsdrjackson January 26 2011, 21:37:03 UTC
I agree with this wish! After this crazy snowy winter I am thinking we should all move to Atlanta. ;)

*hugs you and Boo*


anoel January 25 2011, 18:03:57 UTC
Yeah sometimes. I try to remember that nothing is set in stone, you can become better qualified, you can get better at writing and vidding, all it takes is time and work.


sabaceanbabe January 25 2011, 22:06:40 UTC
Thank you. Truer words... :)


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