Quick ficcish notes & a question

Jul 11, 2011 18:50

1. On a whim, I figured I might try to update my fic index. So I opened a tab with just my fic tagged entries. And went back a page. And went back a page. And went back a page. And I am now on skip=80. ~O_O~ I HAVE NOT UPDATED MY FIC INDEXES IN OVER A YEAR. HOLY F*CK. *rolls up sleeves ( Read more... )

misc: question, .saavi is insane!, comm: clois_fest, comm: dcu_freeforall, updates: fannish, updates: ficcish

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Comments 12

bradygirl_12 July 11 2011, 23:58:32 UTC

Terrible when the indexes get so far behind, isn't it? :)

I'm SO glad to hear that your Muses have returned, Saavi! You were one of the first writers I read when joining LJ and I will definitely check out that X-Men story when you get it written. :)

I'm glad to hear that there will be an Autumn Challenge by you. I'm going to start looking over my Halloween Challenge notes and see if I can come up with anything new to add to my loooong list of prompts! ;)


saavikam77 July 12 2011, 13:28:40 UTC
Oh man, it's mind-boggling! *shakes head at self*

And awwww... *blushes* You were THE first writer I read on LJ! XD But I'm very excited about starting to post my new fic. I'm gonna wait until I have a good handful of chapters before I start posting, so I don't fall into the WIP trap that I have with Lost Years. Heh.

Hooray for the Halloween Challenge! \O/ I'm already looking forward to it. ^____^


svgurl July 12 2011, 04:56:39 UTC
It's amazing how far behind we can get on fic indexes, isn't it? I recently updated mine and I was going nuts too. :\

That comm sounds really interesting. Definitely excited for it.

I usually just check my word count on MS Word itself.


saavikam77 July 12 2011, 13:31:08 UTC
It's totally insane. XD I realized partway through that I needed to rework the whole format of my indexes, so I'll have something to keep myself busy, for sure. :p

I usually just use Open Office to check my word count, but seeing the same piece given a totally different word count on Cut&Paste Word Count online, and on AO3, is really mind-boggling. And I'm so anal about these things. XD

Thanks, hon!


kalalanekent July 12 2011, 15:56:33 UTC
1) I've starting to get down-right OBSESSIVE about keeping mine up, but I think I might need to double-check mine on FF. Yep, I keep a separate file on the account. Those are in chronological order by series since you can't set it up that way. *snugs*

2) *hides* I'm just hoping working on this with us is helping kick those other bunnehs a little bit. I feel like I'm stealing you from the Bat fandom. *giggles nervously*

3) januaried and I are trying to get something together over at RV for it if RL will cooperate. I think it's an awesome idea and one that the fandom needs right now.

4) Huh. That's strange! Never noticed that before. *goes to look*


saavikam77 July 12 2011, 16:49:21 UTC
Hehe, I've gotten so anal about my indexes that I'm overhauling them. AGAIN. XD Hopefully, I've come up with a system that will make it a lot easier to keep up with, and keep organized (since my various series keep messing things up :p).

You stop hiding! :p~~ So far, it's all good. I'll let you know when it isn't. *pokes*

Very excited to see what we can all come up with for the fest. It's gonna be the perfect fandom boost, I think. :)



kalalanekent July 12 2011, 17:12:55 UTC
I did it just before the SMFA started, so I know how you feel. There are days that I'm pretty happy I only have one fandom. I don't think I could keep up with as many as you have.

*wibbles* Yes, ma'am. I also feel the need to tell you that certain princesses have decided that I need to get them in a white dress soon. ;) Yeah, 'spoiled' isn't even the word. She's just a bit persuasive. I may just start it and hold onto it until we get there.

I think so, too, if we can get enough people on-board.

*snuggles back*


saavikam77 July 12 2011, 21:45:11 UTC
Yup, you are *definitely* lucky you only write in one fandom. My brain is slowly turning to mush. XD

And oh dear. Kala's one persuasive muse! ^_~


repmetsyrrah July 13 2011, 11:05:45 UTC
1) Oh dear... I'm almost a year behind too but for me that's all of five fics :P Especially this year... *cheers* You can do it!!

3) Hehe! I can't wait! Made you a mod but I'm starting to think I may not know exactly what I need help with until I need it... I've never done anything like this before!

Worked on the rules, welcome post, banners and profile all day today (I can catch up on study later :P) and I'm so keen to have challenges and other comms come along for the ride!

4) Huh, I just use my Word Processor's word count... What other sites say it is has never really concerned me.


saavikam77 July 13 2011, 15:17:16 UTC
I just can't believe I *did* write so much this past year. Especially with the epic dry-spells I had. *mind boggles* And I'm STILL working on the index, since I decided to do a total overhaul. Heh.

Just let me know what you need when you need it, and I'll do my best to be around to give a hand. We should try to do a chat sometime in the next week. I'll see if I can get Lois and co wrangled for one. :p The profile looks great, btw. :)

And heh, I'm pretty OCD over word count, so I guess it stands to reason that I'm the only one that notices these things. :p


repmetsyrrah July 16 2011, 12:47:12 UTC
A chat would be cool, but I'm back at Uni now so I'll have less time at home but let me know possible times and I'll see what I can do. I'm looking to start putting up info at the comm tomorrow but I can always edit it if you have better ideas. You can always PM me or comment too because I can reply to those on my phone which I think may actually be surgically attached to my hand... :P I get e-mails pretty quick on it anywhere with reception at any time and can send them out just as easy.

Btw, I just made you a maintainer because apparently that's actually what I thought a moderator was... *headdesk* Stupid LJ


saavikam77 July 16 2011, 14:37:07 UTC
I totally understand. Uni definitely comes first. Just let us know when you'll be available, and we'll do our best to schedule something brief accordingly.

And thanks, hon! Yeah, since they changed things on the comms, I've been totally confused. :p


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