Quick ficcish notes & a question

Jul 11, 2011 18:50

1. On a whim, I figured I might try to update my fic index. So I opened a tab with just my fic tagged entries. And went back a page. And went back a page. And went back a page. And I am now on skip=80. ~O_O~ I HAVE NOT UPDATED MY FIC INDEXES IN OVER A YEAR. HOLY F*CK. *rolls up sleeves*

2. I've got about a thousand plot bunnies for various fandoms nibbling at my ankles and in the planning stages, and have been working on stuff with kalalanekent and anissa7118 behind the scenes, for an upcoming series set in their Little Secrets/Heirs 'verse. The Jason Todd/Kala Lane-Kent ship has taken on a life of its own. XD I'm also working on my (potentially epic) X-Men: First Class Charles/Erik mental institution AU. *AND* I'm gearing up for the Porn Battle (which starts toward the end of this month, yikes!). So, lots going on behind the scenes, not too much to show for it yet. :p

3. The month of August will be clois_fest month, thanks to the ever-awesome repmetsyrrah! A lot of things are in the works for the fest; rest assured, there will be plenty of opportunities to celebrate the awesome that is Clois. I might even try to run something small on the DCU FFA to help spread the love (before we get to autumn, and time for the DCU FFA Autumn Challenge). Look for promo banners for the fest to start being passed around soon. :D

4. And now, a question: Which programs/sites do you guys find give you the most accurate word count for your fic? I'm getting a little antsy about possibly uploading some things to AO3, and their word counter, so far, seems WAY off from the WC I get from OpenOffice or the online word counter I use. It bugs me. *twitch*

misc: question, .saavi is insane!, comm: clois_fest, comm: dcu_freeforall, updates: fannish, updates: ficcish

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