A Few Ficcish & Fannish Updates

Jun 13, 2011 12:21

I can't believe I haven't posted in a week. *facepalm* I suppose I can blame that on X-Men First Class fandom, which is ever so slightly eating my brain. XD Damn you, Charles and Erik, why must you be so slashily adorable? Worse, why must they make me crave 1960's pop-culture/counter-culture fic? XD I've left way too many of those sorts of prompts ( Read more... )

fandom: marvel: x-men: first class, .saavi is insane!, fandom: dcu, lj: icons, updates: ficcish, updates: lj/dw/other, comm: sr_slash, updates: fannish, fandom: dcu: superman movieverse, fandom: marvel

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Comments 15

kalalanekent June 13 2011, 17:20:52 UTC
*hiding* Sorry I'm taking up a lot of the free time. Hopefully it'll be worth it. *smiles cutely*

We also need to decide where to post and how you would like your credit, because it's going to be there, by God


saavikam77 June 13 2011, 17:25:37 UTC
Hey, you know I love the chaos. Even if my blood pressure sometimes doesn't. :p

I'm cool with you posting everything to your journal, so as not to break up the flow of the series. And I can post the headers and links to our co-written parts over here on mine. B/C you know how much a nut I am for organized headers. XD


kalalanekent June 13 2011, 23:05:31 UTC
And you tell that blood pressure that there's nothing we're doing that's more important than him keeping it down. *snugs* You're as bad as I am, just not happy unless you're neck-deep in more than three projects. No wonder we're so close.

Okay, then. That sounds perfect and it means that you'll have noticeable credit, which is what I was the most worried about. ♥


saavikam77 June 13 2011, 23:15:24 UTC
True, true. :p Today's actually been rough, blood-pressure-wise, but I'm trying not to worry about stuff too much. It's not easy (damn you, RL). But yeah, I just feel like I'm not doing enough if I don't have 15 things going at once. XD Maybe it's a Sagittarius thing. :p

And hey, you know I wasn't gonna let this project go without proper credit. I do have a *little* diva in me. ^_~

*smishes you*


cycnus39 June 13 2011, 17:46:18 UTC
Charles/Erik? Really? Imagine that. ;-)


saavikam77 June 13 2011, 18:03:19 UTC
Who knew I'd ever find something to get me back into Marvel? (I watched the X-Men cartoon religiously when I was a teenager. XD) I just couldn't ship Charles/Erik like that before, b/c Captain Picard was like my second father when I was growing up, hence, no lovin' for Patrick Stewart!Charles. Now, however... >:D

I love your icon, btw. ^_~


svgurl June 13 2011, 22:10:28 UTC
It's good to hear from you! I seriously need to see X-Men First Class, if not only for all the slashy potential that everyone on my flist is talking about, lol. Sounds like you're quite the busy bee, but that usually seems to be the case. Not a bad thing ... I just hope you don't get too stressed out!


saavikam77 June 13 2011, 22:26:56 UTC
Thanks, hon! :)

Yes, you *definitely* need to see First Class. Good gods, the subtext isn't even 'sub'! XD And the director said something to the effect that he was trying to do the film as a romantic tragedy, and the actors playing Charles and Erik have both pretty much said they ship it (James McAvoy--Charles said so explicitly!), so... yeah.

Here's hoping I don't get stressed out, either. I'm doing okay balancing RL and fandom right now, so as long as I can keep that up, I'll be all right. *fingers crossed*


repmetsyrrah June 14 2011, 13:04:09 UTC
Ohhh, maybe I should dust off those Jimmy/Clark fics I've had half-finished for... like two years now. *headdesk* Though I should probably focus on staring blankly at the screen of fic I'm in the middle of first...

I know I shouldn't but I so can't help stressing out over the DC Re-launch :P Though it's that almost-fun kinda stress/being-really-passionate-about-what-you-love and, hey, it's easier channelling stress into that than some other things! (she types as the house shakes yet again (not kidding, kinda impressed me with the timing there, little aftershock :P))

But seriously, comics are expensive over here and I'm only getting Superman because I really love how it is now. I don't want it to change so dramatically :( I'll try it but I'm not spending hard-earned cash on a character I no longer know. Still, SR will always be my first love and they'll be hard pressed to change that :P (Okay, sorry, I'll stop now, I promise :P)

Good luck with all your to-dos! *hugs*


saavikam77 June 14 2011, 16:22:29 UTC
Aw, I would love to read your Clark/Jimmy! :D Of course, work on whatever you can get the bunnies to cooperate on. Especially with all that shaking! O_O

I totally understand about comics being expensive outside the US. Heck, we can't even afford them, and we're IN the US. (Which is why we DL them. *shifty eyes*)

Thanks bunches, hon! *hugs back*


(The comment has been removed)

saavikam77 June 14 2011, 16:23:47 UTC
Yep, we're doomed. XD (Gods, I can't stop reading all the fic!)


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