I can't believe I haven't posted in a week. *facepalm* I suppose I can blame that on X-Men First Class fandom, which is ever so slightly eating my brain. XD Damn you, Charles and Erik, why must you be so slashily adorable? Worse, why must they make me crave 1960's pop-culture/counter-culture fic? XD I've left way too many of those sorts of prompts over at the kink memes. *shakes head at self*
For the record, I haven't written any fic for them. Yet. *shifty eyes* I don't know how much longer I can hold off, though. I mean, I have icons now. Not a good sign. :p
Especially since I still have so much other stuff on my ficcish and fannish plate. *headdesk*
Ahem! As for that other ficcish stuff, I've been working with
kalalanekent on fic for her and
anissa7118's upcoming series: Love and Other Headaches. And yep, it's Jason Todd/Kala Lane-Kent. >:D The fic I've written so far for the pairing will eventually take place during the series, and be counted as part of it.
I haven't been working on much of anything else recently, fic-wise, but that's bound to change. I need to get back into the (Un)Familiar-verse, and soon. And I've got a whole host of unfinished fic that needs to be done and posted. Also, Clark/Richard!Scott bunnies. >:D And Lost Years. And Aftermath-verse stuff (including pieces for With Fortune's Hand). And, and, and...
I really should be posting this with my 'To-Do List' icon, shouldn't I? But oh man, the Charles/Erik pretty... *sigh*
Anyhow! Outside of fic, I revamped
sr_slash, since
fyredancer and
kuwamiko were kind enough to give me the comm (as their interests have migrated away). The comm is now Superman Movieverse Slash, so it's open to all Supes Movieverse slash fanworks, not just Clark/Richard. I still have to redo the tags, but it's otherwise good to go. I suspect it'll get more active again once we get closer to the MoS reboot.
I've also been gathering noms for the 2011 SMFA. Spent most of yesterday reading, and will likely do a lot more before the deadline of the 27th comes up in 2 weeks. XD Gods, I can't believe I waited so long to get started. *shakes head at self*
I also upended a bunch of my icons to make room for new stuff and icons that I've been wanting to upload for a long time. And I finished updating the Superman Movieverse Pairings Challenge master-list. And I've been trying to ignore most of the backlash going on in DCU fandom b/c of the upcoming reboot (stress, I do not need you). And I've been sitting on my hands to keep from signing up for
hc_bingo again, b/c dear gods, I do not need any more challenges. ~O_O~
So, yeah. Lots going on. A few things actually getting done. Trying not to give myself an ulcer over RL stuff, hence the whirlwind of ficcish and fannish stuff. It helps. Sort of. :p
I should probably do an actual To-Do List. Sometime this week, definitely. Heh.
*hugs all around*