12 slaps for Christmas - Chapter 2 - Gibbs goes first

Jun 30, 2009 00:30

Title:  12 slaps for Christmas
Author:  SA3466996
Rating:  PG-13, T
Category:  Humour, general.
Genre:  Gen.
Pairing:  None.
Character:  Gibbs, DiNozzo, Abby, Team. (Exaggerated characters, OOC)
Summary:  Abby gets festive, the team back her up... Gibbs gets wound up.  Poor Tony.  A song, a slap, and a slice of silliness.  Set in Season 5 around Christmas.
Spoilers:  None.
Warnings:  None.
Disclaimer: NCIS characters belong to Bellisario, CBS and Paramount. No copyright infringement intended.

Chapter 2 - “Gibbs goes first”

“Wait,” Abby almost yelled, her hands waving at Tony to stop.

Tony closed his open mouth, sighed and let his head drop so that his eyes were looking at his feet, resigned to the fact that this might take a while.

“Gibbs should go first...he’s the one giving the gifts.”

“She is right,” Ziva informed him. “If we are to receive gifts from... boss man?... then it is only correct that Gibbs should be first.”

He was getting impatient. “Alright, alright... I get it... Gibbs goes first.”

“Yey!” Abby squealed. “Gibbs... Gibbs... Gibbs,” she chanted.

Tony turned to face the feared one. “Okay then boss... what have you got for me?”

“A slap if you don’t stop annoying me... Tony.”

He was quite hurt by that remark. He was only trying to lighten the mood after a tense week at work. Gibbs’s expression was hard, cold and uncompromising. But had he not said to himself, just a few minutes ago, that he’d face the consequences later. He just thought the ‘consequences’ might have to be faced a little later than a few minutes later. They could have at least got some fun in before his date with ‘consequences’. Anthony D. DiNozzo... you don’t know when to stop. He was trying desperately to outstare the glare that Gibbs was giving him now. He was wavering... definitely not winning... just got to... keep going... a... lit-tle... lon-ger...

Abby giggled uncontrollably, breaking the death stare concentration between Master and pupil.

Thank you Tony sighed, silently praising the Fairy Gothmother.

“What is it Abs?” Tony asked.

“It fits,” she grinned. “It fits.” Abby pirouetted a full 360 degrees on her platforms, her pigtails flying out at right angles to her head and catching Tony’s face during the revolution.

“Abby!” Tony rubbed his nose, “What is this... pantomime?”

“Kinda,” she said, a grin spreading across her face. “I don’t think you’re gonna like this Tony.” And with a wicked glint in her eye she began to chant, “On the first day of Christmas the boss man gave to me... a slap for acting not unlike Tony.”

Ziva and McGee exploded in fits of snorts and laughter.

“Ah... very funny Abs... back to work Probie!”

“No... DiNozzo...” Gibbs said very slowly and deliberately whilst rising from his chair, “I think we should continue.”

“Nah, Boss. It’s fine, we’re... on the clock... and we’ve got all tomorrow to be festive.”

Gibbs raised himself to his full height and openly smirked. “I’m feeling festive now... DiNozzo. Abby, why don’t you start again... from the top.”

Abby nodded.

“And Abs...” Gibbs trained his eyes on Tony, “do the honours.”

Tony’s expression fell and he swallowed hard.

“You got it boss man.” Abby grinned at Tony and put on the best singing voice she could muster. “On the first day of Christmas the boss man gave to me...”

“A slap for acting not unlike Tony,” Abby, Ziva and McGee chorused.


Tony winced and smiled a fake smile. “Thank you Abby. Who’s up next, Boss...?” he asked, smoothing the hair at the back of his head. “Please tell me it’s McGee... he could do with a good...”

Gibbs shook his head.



“Not Abby... you wouldn’t?”

Gibbs shook his head.

The realisation dawned and he swallowed hard. You were supposed to have fun and then suffer the consequences... not everyone else have fun while you suffered the consequences. He sighed. This was going to be a long and painful bit of ‘fun’.

“Okay... I get it,” he said reluctantly, “who wants to go next?”

“I will go next.”

Ziva stood close... too close... in front of him. He could feel her breath caressing his face. Then she opened her mouth to sing.

“On the second day of Christmas the boss man gave to me... two cups of coffee...”

“And a slap for acting not unlike Tony,” Ziva, Abby and McGee chorused.


He didn’t feel the slap. He was mesmerised by the beautiful sound he had just heard. Where did she learn to sing like that?

“Me... me... me,” Abby grabbed his arm, metaphorically slapping him back to the squad room. “I wanna go next... please.”

Abby’s cup was overflowing with excitement. She was enjoying herself a little too much.

“Go on then,” Tony urged. He couldn’t disappoint Abby.

“On the third day of Christmas the boss man gave to me... three Caf-Pows...”

“Two cups of coffee... and a slap for acting not unlike Tony,” Abby, Ziva, and McGee chorused.


“Sorry Tony.” Abby looked at him sheepishly.

“S’okay Abs.”  Tony smiled; he wasn’t going to like this next one, but he supposed it would be good for him; for both of them really. “Probie... you’re up next.”

McGee leaned back in his chair, the internal struggle to locate appropriate meaningful words for the song apparent for all to see. Slowly the troubled expression on his face faded to be replaced with a growing smile. Tony felt the apprehension inside himself grow as McGee rose and paced towards him.

“Tony,” McGee said simply. He was squaring his shoulders with confidence... looking him in the eye... there was a hint of smugness in those eyes.

“McGee,” Tony responded.

McGee spoke slowly, enunciating each word with precision. “Four... copies... of... ‘Deep... Six’.”

Tony hissed and let his gaze drift down and to the left. McGee had laid it out for him... he had to give him credit for that one... he’d ribbed Tim often enough about it. He shook his head slightly and then brought his gaze back to McGee and nodded. “Good one Tim.”

He watched as McGee turned to the others. Ziva was hiding her laughter with a hand at her face. Abby was grinning wickedly.

McGee began, “On the fourth day of Christmas the boss man gave to me... four copies of ‘Deep Six’...”

“Three Caf-Pows... two cups of coffee... and a slap for acting not unlike Tony,” McGee, Abby and Ziva chorused.


It hadn’t been as hard as he’d expected. Perhaps he should start to use Gibbs’s first name more often as well... perhaps not.

“Thanks Elf-Lord,” he grinned.

He knew who was up next. He waited.



A/N: 4 down, 8 to go.

McColleague eyed the forlorn SA3 as he studied the mangled remains of the brand new cell in the trash can. McColl had wanted to get a new cell like that for ages. SA3 had only bought it to spite him. ‘Serves him right’. McColleague watched as SA3 picked several pieces of the mangled cell out of the trash can and placed them on his desk. He started trying to piece them together. ‘Aw hell SA3’, McColleague thought.

“You okay?” he asked sympathetically.

“He doesn’t understand. I mean... I was about to beat my highest score... you know... you just... you don’t... it’s Tetris.”

“I know SA3, I know...” McColleague feigned sympathy and dropped his gaze back to the papers on his desk, “...like the Boss’s hand and your head.”

“Come again?”

McColleague caught the puzzled look on SA3’s face and grinned.

“Never... ever... come between them!”


Chapter 3 - Having fun

character: team, fic, gen, character: gibbs, character: abby, fic: 12 slaps for christmas, character: dinozzo, headslap, humour

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