grad and prom last night means its officially summer. Woke up this morning and didn't know what to do since i didn't have homework or to study. I've never been more excited to take a nap in the middle of the day and to read a book that won't be followed by an essay summer 2007 be good to be, please.
fri-DAY, wasn't feeling too hott so went home and decided to take a nap The plan was call someone, anyone later that night and go out. What happened? I woke up at 830 this morning 16 hour nap should feel nice, but I woke up feeling the same way I did when I fell asleep.
I'm the biggest mess you'll ever meet, But I'm doing okay.
Disappointed in myself. I came so close, only to fall short of making it. Sometimes my small mouth says big things I end up regretting. I wish you never crossed my mind.