
Nov 14, 2007 00:09

I'm having weird Heroes meta thinky thoughts about TPTB's treatment of Candice and how it relates to her being a fat chick. (the short version: I'm pissy about it.)

In other news, I need to do some personal deadline stuff. Feel free to ignore this.

Homework Projects and Winter Fics )

fic, school

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Comments 5

basilmemories November 15 2007, 05:49:08 UTC
also my birthday's on the second and you still haven't finished that one fic for my last year's present?


ryuutchi November 15 2007, 07:36:20 UTC
I knew there was a reason I randomly bought you a present when i was out buying stuff for my parents! xD Clearly it was in the back of my mind. We should meet so I can give you your present.


basilmemories November 15 2007, 07:41:19 UTC
I think maybe, possibly I'm available on the 24th? (my jobs hate me ryuu~ one day off in two weeks)

This also means I need to be gifting you, which also means i need to start looking for presents.


ryuutchi November 15 2007, 07:49:46 UTC
I should be off on the 24th. (Jesus, honey. You need a better job.)

Nah. You always buy ME gifts. xD


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