(no subject)

Nov 14, 2007 00:09

I'm having weird Heroes meta thinky thoughts about TPTB's treatment of Candice and how it relates to her being a fat chick. (the short version: I'm pissy about it.)

In other news, I need to do some personal deadline stuff. Feel free to ignore this.

  • 11/14 - Management Group Project, post to Plone.
  • 11/15 - Management Advocacy Project, post to BBS
  • 11/22 - THANKSGIVING!!!
  • 11/28 - Teen Lit Thematic Program Project (Mysteries), post to Assignment Manager
  • 11/30 - Children's Lit Assignment 4 (Informational/Non-Fiction Collection Development), post to Digital Dropbox
  • 12/5 - Management Analytic Essay 2, post to Assignment Manager
  • 12/7 - Children's Lit Assignment 5 (Reader's Advisory Database)
  • 12/13 - undermistletoe, Heroes fic ("The Executive's Surprise Baby or The Magnate's Marriage Demand")
  • 12/19 - jbbs Outsiders/Teen Titans/Young Justice fic
  • 12/20 - yuletide fic
  • 12/23 - prettylightsfic RPS fic
  • 12/25 - ataniell93, Heroes fic (Matt/Mohinder ChrisHannuKwanzaa)
  • 12/30????- just_katarin, Heroes fic (teenage!Haitian)

fic, school

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