Slowly I Learned to Love you (7/8)

Aug 14, 2010 05:14

Author: ryosukekoibito
Pairing: Okayama, with some Hikabu, Inoodai, and Takachii.
Rating: PG
Genre:Um, fluff I guess...
Disclaimer: C'mon, I'm pretty sure we'd know if someone owned them...
Summary: Yamada doesn't really know all that much about Keito, until they end up rooming together for their tour. Now it seems that the more he learns about the boy, the more he grows to like... (It's a bad summary, I know...sorry.)
A/N: This is my first attempt at a tell me what you think! Please!
Previous Entries: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6

Eventually Jump actually did manage to make it to their next location. By the night of the last show there Keito's ankle was basically healed, and he didn't need help with everything anymore. In fact, their roles had basically reversed, Keito helping Yamada whenever he could, making sure his roommate didn't forget anything, bringing him water when he was thirsty, before he had a chance to get it himself, and sometimes surprising him with little gifts, usually Yamada would find out later that he and Yuto had been out shopping the night before. Now that he'd admitted he had feelings for the boy, Yamada was a mess. He found himself staring at his roommate more and more, although Keito never seemed to notice. It seemed, however that everyone else did notice and soon all of Best were teasing him about it.
   "Yama-chan! Yama-chan!" Chinen yelled, running into the hotel room he and Keito were sharing, and tackling Yamada, who had been laying on his bed, reading a manga.
   "You'll never guess what happened!!" Chinen exclaimed, bouncing up and down on the bed in excitement.
   "What happened?" Yamada asked, the question barely out of his mouth before Chinen squealed
   "Yuuyan kissed me! And, and then he gave me a hug, like this-" He pulled Yamada to a standing position, and hugged the boy, demonstrating. "and he told me he loved me, and asked me if I loved him back!"
   "What did you say?" Yamada asked, pretending he didn't already know.
   "Yes! Yes! Yes!" Chinen said, flopping down face first on the now vacant bed, a huge smile on his face, his eyes sparkling.
   "That’s great Chii! I'm so happy for you!" Yamada said, chuckling at the antics of his friend.
   "I'm gonna go tell Yuto now, he told me to tell him if something like this ever happened." Chinen said, after fifteen minutes of excited descriptions, and swooning. He got up off the bed, and asked
   "So, when're you gonna ask Keito out? You know we've only got a month left of the tour, then you'll be seeing him much less..."
   ", I haven't thought about it." Yamada said, and with a small sigh, Chinen left, heading off to find Yuto.
   Yamada sat back on his bed. Chinen had brought up a new point. He really hadn't been thinking of confessing to Keito at all, but now that Chinen had said it, the idea just wouldn't leave him alone.
   Would he confess to Keito? If he was going to, he should probably do it soon, there wasn't much more time until the tour was over, and then he'd get a lot less chances. How do you go about confessing to someone anyway? Just walk up to them, and ask them to be your boyfriend? Would you need a present? Or just yourself? Questions filled his mind, and he sighed, burying his face in his pillow.
   Three weeks left until the end of the tour, and Yamada still didn't know how he was going to confess. He thought he was being ridiculous. It was just Keito! He'd known the boy for almost three years, it shouldn't be this difficult!
   He glanced across the stage, watching Keito as the boy played his guitar. He laughed when Yuto joined in, playing a beat on the drums that matched Keito’s notes, surprising Keito, and causing him to jump violently. Keito's startled face was so cute. His mind started wandering. What would Keito's face look like when he told him that he loved him? Would he look happy, a grin lighting up his face? Would he bite his lip, and look at his feet, his eyes sad, apologetic? Or would he look like he did just a second ago, totally shocked, and unprepared? He'd been asking himself questions like these a lot lately. He sighed, trying to look for something else to focus on, just as their lunch break ended, and someone called for them to start rehearsal.
   "Yamada-kun, it's 'I want to hold your hand.', not 'Wanting this hand of yours to hold I am.' Try again." Keito said. It was one of their days off, and Yamada had decided to start on an English assignment his teacher had given them over their break. After about an hour of struggling with it, he'd called Keito, asking the boy to please come as soon as he could. Within 20 minutes the boy was there, and he was a very patient tutor.
   "I want your hand to hold!" Yamada said, concentrating.
   "So close! One more time Yamada-kun!" Keito said, repeating the line.
   "I want to hold your hand!" Yamada said, and Keito broke out in a wide grin.
   "That's it! That's it! Good job!"
   "Yes!" Yamada said, laughing.
   "That’s the last line, you're finished!" Keito said, looking up from the script that was the last part of his bandmates homework.
   "Thank you! Thank you!" Yamada said, glomping the boy, and kissing him on the cheek.
   "N-no problem..." Keito said, his face bright red, his eyes on his feet.
   "Want some celebratory cookies? I can make some really quick!" Yamada offered, but Keito just shook his head.
   "Gomen Yamada-kun, I'd like to, but I already promised Yuto I'd go help him with his assignment tonight, and it's getting late." He said, standing up and heading towards the door.
   "Oh. Some other time then." Yamada said, as he saw his bandmate out.
   "I'd like that. See you Thursday."
   "Hai. Thursday."
   With one last smile, Keito left. Yamada shut the door, and flopped down on the couch. It had gone great! He had just acted natural, hadn't gotten himself all nervous, and he'd just talked to Keito like he'd been wanting to. A smile spread across his face.
   "Yosh!" He said to himself. He lay there, reliving the past few hours, when it hit him. It was the perfect plan. Now, he just needed to have the guts to pull it off. He would finally confess to Okamoto Keito.


multi-chap: slowly i learned to love you

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