Slowly I Learned to Love you (8/8)

Aug 17, 2010 22:57

Author: ryosukekoibito
Pairing: Okayama, with some Hikabu, Inoodai, and Takachii.
Rating: PG
Genre:Um, fluff I guess...
Disclaimer: C'mon, I'm pretty sure we'd know if someone owned them...
Summary: Yamada doesn't really know all that much about Keito, until they end up rooming together for their tour. Now it seems that the more he learns about the boy, the more he grows to like... (It's a bad summary, I know...sorry.)
A/N: This is my first attempt at a tell me what you think! Please!
Previous Chapters: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7

Yamada couldn’t focus. He’d messed up dance moves multiple times today during practice, and he’d even fumbled the lyrics once or twice. He just couldn’t keep his mind off of it. Off of today.
  “Hey, Yama-chan, you okay?” Daiki asked, plopping down next to Yamada. They’d just finished their last rehearsal.
  “Yeah…I’m…yeah.” He said, his eye catching Keito, who was changing out of his sweats, and into his street clothes.
  “Oi!” Daiki said, cupping Yamada’s face with his hand, making his friend look at him.
  “Sorry.” Yamada said, sighing, and burying his face in his hands.
  “What’s going on Yama-chan? Something happen?” Daiki asked, concerned.
  “No…not yet.”
  “Ohhh…” Daiki said, understanding. “Well, good luck Yama-chan.”
  Today was the last day of the tour. That was when was he would confess to Keito. He was friggin’ scared.
  Yamada took a deep breath. Before he would allow himself to change his mind, he ran up to Keito, hopping on his back. The fans screamed.
  “I love you~” He whispered holding his mic away from his mouth, and kissed Keito on the cheek. Then, just as quickly, he got off, and ran off down the stage, continuing on singing. He couldn’t help but peek at Keito out of the corner of his eye. Keito’s face was bright red, and his eyes were wide with surprise. After a second, and a few words missed in his line, he turned away, and began singing, acting as though nothing had happened.
  Yamada felt as though a weight was lifted off of his shoulders. He’d done it! It was all up to Keito now.
It was during the Hey! Say! BEST! segment in the concert, after 7 had changed into their new costumes, when Keito pulled Yamada into a secluded corner backstage.
  “D-did you mean what you said, earlier, when you…” Keito blushed, and brought his hand up to his cheek.
  “Yes. I understand if you don’t feel the same way…I just thought I should tell you.” Yamada said, his heart sinking in his chest, as he watched Keito’s confused expression.
  “N-No! I-I’ve liked Yamada-kun for a long time….”
A bubble of happiness rose in Yamada’s chest, and he leaned forward, kissing Keito gently on the lips.
  “So, will you…be my boyfriend?” He asked, liking the way the words sounded.
  “Y-yeah.” Keito said, looking slightly dazed, before leaning down and kissing Yamada gently on the forehead, the biggest smile on his face Yamada had ever seen.
  All of a sudden, Chinen was there, pulling them out on stage, yapping about where had they been? and what took so long?
  “Please, let me date Keito!” Yamada said, bowing slightly. Yuto looked confused.
  “Erm Yama-chan, why are you asking my permission exactly?”
  “Well…I just thought, since you’re his best friend…and his parents aren’t really home much…that you were the only one I could ask…or the one that would care the most…I guess.” Yamada said, trying to explain his reasoning. It had made so much sense earlier.
  “Is this why you said you needed help with your History homework?” Yuto asked, an amused grin on his face.
  “Aw…Yama-chan you’re so cute~”Yuto cooed. “And, if you must know, I think it’s great that you’re going out with Keito. You’ve made him very happy.”
  “Of course. Now, since you don’t need help with your homework, why don’t you go hang out with Keito. Your boyfriend.”
  Yamada couldn’t help but grin when Yuto said that.
  “Alright. Thanks Yuto-kun!”
  “Here, try one.” Keito said, holding a cookie up to Yamada’s lips. Yamada bit into it, and smiled.
  Keito smiled, happily.
  “You did a great job~” Yamada said, breaking out into a grin himself.
  “Oi, you two!” Inoo called from across the room, catching both Keito and Yamada’s attention, and causing Yamada to sit up, from where he’d been laying on the couch, his head in Keito’s lap.
  “Yes?” Yamada asked.
  Inoo paused.
  “Can I have a cookie too? They look really good…”
  “Of course, help yourself.” Keito said, “If you don’t mind, Ryosuke.”
  “It’s fine with me.” Yamada said, leaning forward, and whispering “Besides, I’ve got Keito now. I don’t need cookies…and if I did, you’d just make me some, right?”
  Keito nodded, and kissed Yamada on the cheek.
  “I love you, Ryosuke.”
  Yamada felt like he was flying.
  “I love you too."

A/N: It's over! I had fun writing this fic! Thanks to all that took the time to read it!
I  have a surprise...I decided to write Slowly I learned to Love you from Keito's point of view! I'm working on it now, and I don't know when it'll be up yet, but if you like the idea, let me know! Thanks!

multi-chap: slowly i learned to love you

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