Sequence of Upsets: A Heisei Kumi Fanfic (20/23)

Apr 25, 2014 00:32

Author: ryosukekoibito
Pairing: Keito/Shoon (Shoto?), with some side Ariyama and Chiitaro
Rating: R, for violence and dark themes
Warnings: Character Death
Genre: Slice of life/Angst
Disclaimer: I own nothing but the plot.
Summary: Keito has been in the Heisei Kumi for nearly 2 years now. He has a wonderful boyfriend, and he's become a strong fighter and an important member of the Kumi. Life has been good, but life as a Yakuza can never stay peaceful for long. This is a direct sequel to my first Heisei Kumi fic My New Family. This fic may be confusing if you haven't read that one, which you can find here. This fic takes place 8ish months after My New Family ends, so...yeah. I hope you like it!
Previous Chapters: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12 | 13 | 14 | 15 | 16 | 17 | 18 | 19

Keito looked over at Takaki, taking his butterfly knife from his pocket and flicking it open.
   "C'mon, the way we got in was pretty quiet." He said, and he took the lead, always making sure Takaki was keeping up, afraid of running into the enemy. Yet, as he'd said, the way he'd originally come in the compound was pretty empty, and after running into a few Wakaba underlings they had a clear shot out of the building and into the night. From there Takaki ran into the shadows, and Keito led him back to the edge of their own territory. Once there they finally stopped, breathing hard from the running, and Takaki said
   "Keito, I can make it on my own from here. Go back and fight with the others." Keito nodded, his adrenaline rushing through his veins, and he turned on his heel, running back through Wakaba territory and instead of creeping around he rushed into the first brawl he found. It was out in the front of the building, and in the moonlight it was clear to see that this was where the biggest number of people was. It was a battlefield, and he jumped in, and for a while it was a frenzy of unfamiliar bodies, and he got hit quite a few times, kicks and punches coming from all sides.
   Then he ran into Taiga, the boy ferociously lunging at an enemy, aiming a punch straight at the guys throat, kicking his legs out from under him and slamming his foot down on the man's chest in one fell swoop. Taiga looked up to see Keito, and he nodded in acknowledgement. They fought together for a while side by side, not speaking, but soon they were separated in the mass of bodies. Keito spotted Daiki and Inoo both in the crowd, but his housemates were too far away to reach, and he just continued to fight, slowly but surely getting closer and closer to the building.
   He was only a few feet from the door when it opened, Chinen and Hokuto bursting out, Yabu's limp form suspended between the two of them.
   "We're retreating!" Chinen declared. "Yamada said we've got Ryu. We're falling back to the meeting place!" Keito nodded, and he said
   "Daiki and Inoo are here somewhere." Chinen nodded, saying
   "I'll tell them!" and he slipped out from under Yabu, wordlessly gesturing for Keito to take his place. Keito did, wrapping an arm around Yabu, slinging him halfway over his shoulder. Hokuto's breathing was ragged next to him, and Keito pulled Yabu away from the underling, taking him completely onto his own shoulders. Hokuto clutched at his stomach, his face screwed up in pain, and Keito frowned. Hokuto had already been hurt. The teen caught his worried gaze and he muttered
   "It's my ribs." Keito nodded, understanding immediately. He too had broken his ribs before. It was painful.
   "Can you run?" He asked, and after a moments consideration the underling shrugged.
   "I can try." They set off at the fastest pace they could, skirting the fighting at what was honestly more of a slow jog than running, and they made it back to the designated meeting place. They were the first ones there, but it was only seconds before Chinen, Taiga, Daiki, and Inoo joined them. All four of them looked to be okay, no major injuries that Keito could tell, and Taiga immediately went to Hokuto's side, slinging an arm around his waist for support.
   "What happened to Yabu?!" Inoo asked, and Keito was glad, concerned about his housemate. Chinen explained.
   "He got his head slammed into a wall a few times." Ouch. Keito took Yabu's dangling wrist in his hand, checking his pulse. He was relieved when he felt one, strong and regular. He was just releasing his grip on Yabu's arm when Jessie and Yugo ran up, the two boys' chests heaving as they tried to catch their breath. As soon as Daiki saw them he frowned, barking sharply
   "Where's Ryouske?! He was supposed to be with you!" In between breaths, Jessie answered.
   "He's helping with Morimoto-san. Don't worry, he's okay." Daiki frowned, opening his mouth to ask more questions, but Jessie's attention was suddenly drawn away when Yugo grabbed him by his lapels, pulling him in for a hot kiss. Keito blushed a bit, looking away, but neither one of the teens seemed to be embarrassed, Jessie pulling Yugo closer, and they only broke apart when Taiga yelled at them, swearing that they were 'fucking rabbits' and telling them to 'go do that in the privacy of their own fucking room'.
   It was during this exchange that Yuto showed up, a cut down the side of his neck, his clothes ripped, looking considerably more tired than he had when Keito had left him. Immediately behind him was a group, Yamada and Shintaro both supporting a very bruised and bloody Ryutaro, and despite his state Keito's heart leapt with excitement when he saw his youngest housemate. Chinen stared, unable to take his eyes off of his runaway boyfriend. Behind them was Hikaru, the last person they'd been waiting on, and silently they all returned back to the house, all of them dragging their feet, the weary helping the injured, and soon they made it up the stairs, and over their threshold.
   They burst through the front door, and Keito's eyes swept the area. Juri had been stripped down to his underwear, his left leg had innumerable stitches all down it, and he was standing on one foot, gripping the back of a chair for balance as he was being wrapped in gauze by Takaki. Shoon was at the sink, washing his hands, but when they entered he whipped around, flicking the faucet off and rushing around the table to help them.
   "Who's worst?" He asked, but as he did he was already reaching for Yabu's limp form, and Keito slowly set his older housemate down, Shoon cradling his head as they placed him on the kitchen table.
   "Hikaru needs-" Yamada started, but Hikaru cut him off.
   "I'm fine. Help everyone else."
   "Ryu looks pretty bad-and this brat's busted his ribs." Daiki announced, gesturing to Hokuto. Shoon nodded.
   "Get Ryutaro up here, we'll have to scoot Yabu a bit to make room." He turned to Taiga, who was now practically holding Hokuto up. "You! Put him in a chair, take off his clothes. Gently! We need to get to his torso." Taiga nodded, and Keito gently pulled Yabu over to the edge of the table, leaving as much room as possible for Ryutaro. Yamada and Shintaro lifted him up, and as they moved him a moan escaped his lips. So he was conscious then. Good. Yuto skirted around the edge of the table, dragging Chinen with him, saying
   "We'll do Yabu. We're both fine, so we can help. Chinen says he hit his head, right?" The littler boy nodded, and Shoon looked relieved, turning his attentions to Ryutaro. Keito stepped out of their way, looking around to see where he could be useful. He needed a task, something to keep his mind off of the way his whole body throbbed, his forearm burning and stinging with pain. Both Yamada and Shintaro were covered in blood, and as Keito looked around he realized-now that they were in proper lighting-that they all were. So much so in fact that you wouldn't really be able to tell if they were hurt or if it was enemies' blood. He was about to ask for a task when Takaki called over to him
   "Oi, Keito! Can you help Juri? I'm done with him, so we need to get the brat out of the way." Keito spun around, slinging an arm around the teenage boy’s waist, and Juri smiled weakly at him, leaning into his side.
   "Hey, Prince." His voice was weak, but joking and light, and Keito couldn't help but smile a bit at the underling.
   "How 'ya doin'?" He asked, and Juri chuckled a bit, brushing off the question, but when they made to walk a tear of pain ran down his cheek. Poor kid.
   "We're just going to the stairs, how about that? You can sit there, okay?" He offered, pointing over to the steps. Juri could sit a few steps up, his leg extended, without being in the way. The underling nodded, and together they slowly but surely made their way over, past where Taiga was unbuttoning Hokuto's dress shirt. Slowly Keito helped the kid situate himself on the stairs, making sure he was okay before turning away.
   Shintaro had taken Juri's place, sitting in the chair his companion had been propping himself up with, and Takaki was pulling out a splint and gauze, Jessie helping Shin remove his clothes. It seemed that Shin had hurt his wrist. Inoo and Shoon were gently wiping the grime and blood from Ryutaro's body, examining him to try and figure out what it was exactly that they could do. Yuto and Chinen were still bandaging Yabu's head, Yugo hovering around them, holding tape and scissors. Daiki was hovering over Yamada, the older man trying to examine his boyfriend to assure himself that Yamada was fine, but Yamada kept swatting his hands away, looking exhausted and annoyed. Everyone seemed okay, or at the very least occupied, until he spotted Hikaru. Their leader was slumped against the wall next to the door; he was breathing hard, his eyelids heavy. Keito made his way over, worry enveloping him. Something was very wrong.
   "Kumi-cho!" He called, getting Hikaru's attention. Hikaru lifted his head from the wall, the gash on his forehead tacky with drying blood, and he looked over at him.
   "Hey Keito."
   "You look like shit." Keito said gently, hovering, not sure where Hikaru was hurt, not wanting to aggravate any injuries. Hikaru shook his head.
   "I'm fine." He announced, before his knees gave out, and he crumpled to the floor, slamming into Keito on his way down. Keito threw his arms around his leader, the older man heavy, trying to hold him up, and awkwardly he half-dragged half-carried him to a patch of floor that wasn't going to be in everyone else's way, laying Hikaru down.
   "Where are you hurt?" He asked, kneeling beside him and Hikaru swatted him away.
   "I'm fi-" He paused, catching Keito's eye, and they stared at each other for a moment. There had never been any posturing when it came to the two of them; Keito was sick of the lying. Finally Hikaru dropped the bullshit tough guy act. "My chest. My back. My left thigh and the front of my right shin probably all need stitches. Oh, and my right shoulder." Fuck. Keito stared down at him in disbelief. How had he managed to stay standing that long? Hikaru sighed, shutting his eyes, and Keito got to work, stripping Hikaru down as best he could before giving up on preserving his housemate's clothes, taking out his knife and cutting the pants and shirt off of him. The only things he ended up saving were the tie, belt, shoes and socks, the rest destroyed. They were the least of his worries.
   Hikaru looked like he'd been attacked by a plane propeller. His wounds were all deep, long lacerations, running along his chest, diagonally down one leg, finishing on the other. He had one over the top of his right shoulder that trailed halfway down his back, crossing with another slash. Keito grimaced at the gore, shocked by Hikaru's state. He stood, saying rather desperately
   "Help." Yamada and Daiki, who looked like they were just about to get into a fully fledged argument, heard him, and Yamada pulled away from his boyfriend, going over to Keito, seeing Hikaru and immediately understanding.
   "I'll get some supplies." He offered. "You grab a washcloth and water. We need to clean his wounds before we can stitch him up." Keito nodded, running to the sink and grabbing the things Yamada had requested. Both Yamada and Daiki had gotten supplies, Daiki grabbing a sewing kit while Yamada had gotten the general first aid. They seemed to have forgotten their argument, and they worked side by side, Keito cleaning the wounds, his two housemates coming along right behind him, sewing Hikaru's flesh back together, each of them taking a gash, ignoring any sounds of pain Hikaru let past his lips. Keito himself did no stitching. He'd watched carefully plenty of times, but he wasn't confident in his skills with a needle, and he didn't think now was the best time to practice.
   Once the lashes had been sewn back together they all got to work bandaging the wounds. Hikaru tried to help, propping himself up on his elbows for a few minutes while they wrapped up halves of each of his legs, up his torso and shoulders, and all the way down his right bicep to his elbow. It took time, but after sticking a band-aid to the cut on his forehead he was finally taken care of. They sat around their leader, examining their work.
   "You look like a fucking mummy." Daiki told him. Hikaru didn't respond. He looked exhausted. Yamada and Daiki tackled the task of getting Hikaru to bed, and Keito cleaned up the supplies, checking in with everyone else. Shintaro and Hokuto had joined Juri on the stairs, their wounds bandaged up. Yabu was no longer on the kitchen table, and Yuto was sitting in a chair, letting Takaki tend to the long cut trailing down his neck. Chinen, Inoo, and Shoon were all around Ryutaro, but they were calm, and they seemed to have finished, talking quietly as they packed up the gauze and first aid supplies that had been strewn across the table.
 At first Keito thought Ryu was asleep, but then the younger boy opened his eyes, reaching out to Chinen. Chinen climbed up onto the table with him, taking his hand and clutching it to his chest, leaning in so that their faces were millimeters apart. Chinen was talking, but Keito couldn't make out the words, and as he talked tears rolled down his cheeks. But then for the first time in months Chinen smiled; his whole face lighting up with it, and Keito didn't think he had ever seen Chinen look as happy as he did right at that moment, reunited with Ryutaro.
   It was awe inspiring, and Keito felt it was very personal, so he looked away, his eyes instead catching on Ryutaro's other hand. The nub where the end of the teenage boy's pinky used to be looked disgusting, bright red and purple and raw, the whole end a mess of scar tissue and tight skin, cutting off right at the knuckle. It looked painful, and Keito cringed, feeling a little nauseous. It was then that Yuto stood, catching his attention and waving him over. Keito joined him, and Yuto wordlessly forced him into a chair, taking the supplies he had been holding and saying
   "It's your turn to get fixed up. You're going to sit here and take it, okay?" Yuto looked concerned, his tone not allowing for argument, so Keito didn't protest, nodding silently. It was Takaki that drew up a chair next to him, saying
   "Yuto said you've got a nice cut on your arm." Keito nodded. He silently slipped off his suit jacket and dress shirt, suddenly feeling exhausted. Now that he let himself sit, now that his only job was to exist, his aches and pains all seemed to be vying for his attention. His ribs ached, his shoulders were heavy, and his head pounded, but worst of all was his arm, and when he pulled his shirt off he saw why.


A/N: Hey guys! So this is completely unrelated, but my sister has decided to start writing/posting JUMP fic again, and she's created a new Lj! All she has up there right now are a couple of drabbles, but she's got a few bigger projects in the works, and I think they're going to be pretty great! So if you want to check her out, her username is thanku4urlove. Please take good care of her!

multi-chap: sequence of upsets

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