Sequence of Upsets: A Heisei Kumi Fanfic (18/23)

Apr 15, 2014 01:04

Author: ryosukekoibito
Pairing: Keito/Shoon (Shoto?), with some side Ariyama and Chiitaro
Rating: R, for violence and dark themes
Warnings: Character Death
Genre: Slice of life/Angst
Disclaimer: I own nothing but the plot.
Summary: Keito has been in the Heisei Kumi for nearly 2 years now. He has a wonderful boyfriend, and he's become a strong fighter and an important member of the Kumi. Life has been good, but life as a Yakuza can never stay peaceful for long. This is a direct sequel to my first Heisei Kumi fic My New Family. This fic may be confusing if you haven't read that one, which you can find here. This fic takes place 8ish months after My New Family ends, so...yeah. I hope you like it!
A/N: 1: This chapter is dedicated to Daiki, for his birthday! Happy 23rd birthday lovely! I hope it's your best year yet! 2: I couldn't resist, and threw in some Bakaleya6, so you get some Junior babies in this chapter!
Previous Chapters: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12 | 13 | 14 | 15 | 16 | 17

"What?!" Chinen bolted up from where he had been lounging in Takaki's lap. Slowly Shintaro raised himself up to his full height. Keito was amazed at the familial resemblance. Shintaro didn't look like Ryu in his face, but his figure, the way he was built, the way he held himself, his expressions-all of it bore such a striking resemblance to his older brother that it physically hurt to look at him, and Keito knew that it must tear Chinen apart inside just to have Shin in the room.
   "Explain." Hikaru demanded, and the young boy nodded, taking a few steps so that he was with them in the kitchen.
   "Yesterday was July fifteenth, my birthday." He began. Keito didn't understand what that had to do with Ryutaro, but Yabu, Daiki, and Chinen all nodded, as if realizing something important they had forgotten. "Every year on my birthday Ryu and I spend the night together celebrating. He never misses it; no matter what...even if he's hurt, or it’s not safe, he always shows up. But this year he didn't show." Shintaro looked over at Hikaru, and it struck Keito that the sixteen year old was actually taller than their leader. Without him realizing it, Shin had grown up; He was no longer the innocent, wide eyed little boy Keito had seen the first time they had met. "He would never allow himself to miss it. He wouldn't forget, either. I think something kept him from coming last night. I think he's in trouble."
   "But what could keep Ryutaro from doing anything?" Inoo asked, sounding skeptical. That just made Keito anxious. Ryutaro was so strong, and so stubborn, it seemed impossible that anything could stop him when he decided to do something. This was the boy that constantly teased Daiki-The Dragon-for fun, the one that had dated their leader despite the taboo against it, the one who had cut off his own finger, without being told to do so, as an apology. He was tough and strong willed, so what could keep him from doing anything he wanted?
   "The Wakaba!" Chinen exclaimed, standing up and slamming his fist on the table, his usually cute face terrifying and full of anger. "If they heard about our relationship they'd be interested in him. I'll bet those fuckers found out he'd run off and ambushed him! We're raiding them to get him back! Everyone-"
   "Oi!" Yuto yelled, glaring across the table at Chinen. "You don't get to make this decision. It's not your job anymore." Chinen looked furious, but he sent a wide eyed glance up at Hikaru, obviously apologetic. Hikaru was frowning, and with a pointed look to Chinen the small man sank back into Takaki's lap, looking utterly defeated. There was a moment of silence, the tension palpable as everyone waited to see how Hikaru would react, to hear what he had to say. When he did speak his voice was quiet, calm and controlled.
   "Thank you Yuto." He paused, and Yuto nodded. "Yet, in all fairness, I do believe it is about time we attacked the Wakaba. I've been wanting to retaliate for their last raid for a while, but with everything that has been happening, and with some of you not quite recovered I've been figuring it could wait. That being said, if there is any chance Ryutaro is being held hostage then we cannot stand idly by and let him be imprisoned or hurt." He took a sweeping glance of all of their faces, judging how they felt. "So we will attack. Tonight, as soon as possible." He turned to Chinen. "See me in my office after this." He pointed to Yabu and Inoo. "After him I need to talk to you two. We can devise a strategy. Everyone else should be on standby for instructions, understood?" There was a chorus of 'yes sir's, and Shintaro interjected.
   "Kumi-cho, I'd like to offer up myself and my boys to help, if you'll permit it. If there's any chance my brother's there, I want to do something about it." Hikaru nodded at once, and Shintaro nodded. "Thank you, sir."
   "Wait here, you'll join us in the strategy meeting." Hikaru decided. Everyone began to disperse, when Hikaru called out "Oh, and Keito, call Shoon and tell him he'll be moving in tomorrow, and update him on what we're doing." Keito nodded.
   "Of course, Kumi-cho." With that everyone went their separate ways in the house, and Keito went to their only phone, dialing Shoon's number. His boyfriend picked up on the third ring; he obviously had been sleeping, his voice groggy when he spoke.
   "Yeah, it's me."
   "What's up?" Shoon asked.
   "We just finished the meeting."
   "Meeting? What were you meeting about?" To Keito's horror, Shoon sounded sincerely confused.
   "The meeting! The one where we tell everyone you're moving in with us."
   "Moving in with...oh! Right! That, yes. Sorry." Shoon did sound as if he remembered, but Keito was still very concerned.
   "Shoon, are you okay?" His question was met with static, the silence reminding him; Shoon was not okay. He'd never be okay again. "Sorry. Stupid question."
   "So, how'd the meeting go?" Shoon asked, disregarding Keito's apology. Keito decided to just go with it.
   "It was brief. Hikaru barely had time to tell everyone what was going on before we were interrupted."
   "Yeah, Shintaro came by. He thinks Ryu's being held captive by the Wakaba. We're raiding their base tonight; there's going to be a strategy meeting soon."
   "Hikaru said we're still moving you in tomorrow."
   "Okay." Shoon fell silent for a moment. "Hey, when are you guys leaving for the raid?"
   "Um...not sure. Tonight?"
   "Okay. Well it sounds like it's busy over there, so I'll let you go. I love you." Keito clutched at the phone a little tighter at those words, his heart pounding in his chest. Not that he'd admit that to anyone.
   "I love you too."
   "Tell Hikaru I'll be there by lunchtime." Shoon said, before hanging up.
   "Hold on, what?" He waited, listening to the dead end. "Shit!" Shoon was planning on fighting with them tonight. There was no way in hell that was a good idea. After the last seizure his boyfriend's mobility had been deteriorating rapidly, which had been a big factor in why Keito was so anxious to have him move in. Shoon couldn't run the length of their street and back now; hell, Keito wasn't sure if he could make it from his apartment to their place properly in his own, especially with the way he had sounded on the phone. He was already worse than he was two days ago. There was no way Shoon could get in a fight and come out on top. He dialed again, but was met with silence. He tried a third time, but Shoon wouldn't pick up. What the hell was he supposed to do?
   "Yabu-" Yabu would know what to do. He hung up the receiver, hurrying into the living room where Yabu was sitting with Inoo and Shintaro, waiting for their meeting. He went around the back of the couch, tapping lightly on his older housemates shoulder. Unfortunately for him, at that moment the door to Hikaru's office swung open, and Chinen exited, the ones that had been waiting getting to their feet. Shit. Now what? Shoon was on his way over, and-
   "Chinen, tell them I'll be back as soon as I can! There's something I have to do. I'm sorry!" Keito bowed quickly to his former leader, bolting for the door, and running. It was bright out, and he knew he must look crazy to anyone he passed by as he ran through the streets, but he searched frantically and a little over halfway there he found him. Shoon was walking with his body held upright, his face forward, but his breathing was labored, and he had one arm extended a bit, toward the outer walls of the buildings he passed, as if in preparation for collapse.
   "Shoon!" Keito yelled, and the ex-lawyer screwed his face up, putting one hand to his head, and when he looked up at Keito he was glaring.
   "Really? You of all people are going to yell?" Keito was taken aback.
   "Sorry." He blushed in embarrassment, and Shoon sighed.
   "No, I'm sorry. I didn't mean to snap, it's just...migraines. They've been really bad recently. It's not your fault." Keito processed that, and he scooped the older man up in his arms, hugging him tightly, burying his face in the crook of Shoon's neck, smelling the calming scent of his boyfriend's shampoo. He took a deep, rattling breath.
   "I'm sorry." He murmured. He pulled away, leaving one arm around Shoon's lower back, for support. "Let's go home."
   "Yes; I don't want to miss the strategy meeting." Shoon declared, sounding very determined, but his whole body sagged to the left a bit, and he was actively leaning on Keito as they walked. A few times Keito nearly offered to carry him, but he'd glance over at Shoon's face, and see the pride and determination in his eyes, and he would close his mouth, saying nothing. Due to this however, it took a very long time to get back to the house. Once they had managed to arrive, Shoon collapsed into the couch, looking exhausted. Yuto was waiting for them, concern radiating from his lanky body. Yuto caught Keito by the shoulder.
   "What's going on?" Yuto's hand was a comfort, and Keito had to fight the urge to come clean, and tell Yuto everything.
   "He wants to fight with us." Was all Keito managed to get out. Yuto frowned, glancing over at Shoon.
   "Can he fight?" His words were skeptical. Keito followed his line of sight, watching as Shoon's eyelids drooped in weariness.
   "I do not think so." He muttered, and he went to his boyfriend's side, gently scooting him so that he lay along the couch, and within moments he was fast asleep. Keito turned back to Yuto.
   "What's the Kumi-cho's plan?"
   "I don't know. He sent Shintaro out to get his posse, and when they get back we'll have the meeting." Oh. Good, he hadn't missed it. He and Yuto sat down side by side on the other couch in preparation for the eminent gathering.
   "D'you think Ryutaro's actually there?" Yuto asked. Keito shrugged. He had no clue. "I hope he's there." Yuto said. "'Cause then we can bring the jerk back home." He looked hopeful, and Keito couldn't help but smile. Only Yuto could be so optimistic about a potential hostage situation.
   "But what if he's hurt?" Keito couldn't help but ask. He'd seen the pictures of Yamada, after being held captive by those bastards. Of course, it wasn't the same circumstances by any means, but there was still a high chance that if Ryutaro was there, that he'd be injured. That was the main thing Keito was concerned about. Yuto however, stayed positive.
   "Then we'll just have to fix him. He can always be put back together, as long as he's with his family." Yuto nodded to where Shoon was asleep on the other couch. "That's why he's moving in, right? So that we can help him?" Keito glanced over to look at Shoon, taking in the curve of his body on the cushions, his mop of brown hair splayed out on the arm of the couch, his face peaceful. He wished it were as simple as Yuto made it out to be. As he thought this, the constant depression that had settled over him the night he'd found out about the cancer seemed to weigh down on his body even heavier than usual.
   "Yeah." He managed to say. "That's why." Yuto slung a lanky arm across Keito's shoulders, scooting in until their thighs touched. He could see that Keito wasn't happy.
   "Don't worry." He said, smiling a warm smile. "We'll help you. I'll always help you. It's going to be alright. We'll fix whatever's wrong him." Keito smiled back, grateful for Yuto's words.
   "Thank you." He murmured, and Yuto beamed.
   It was then that there was a knock on the door.
   "That must be Shin!" Yuto announced, and Keito got to his feet, pulling the door open. Sure enough it was Shintaro, a pack of five boys around him. As soon as they saw Keito they all bowed, and silently Keito pulled the door open wide, gesturing for them to enter. They all stepped over the doorstep, and he assessed them silently as they passed. They were all dressed in suits, but the clothes obviously weren't something they were comfortable in, and many of them were ill fitting; just a bit short at the ankle, or too wide in the shoulders.
   There was a sense of camaraderie in these kids, they way they moved around each other, even without speaking he could tell that they not only liked each other; they were comfortable around each other. When he realized that he felt more welcome about bringing them in. They could be trusted, he figured to give their best; if not for the Kumi, then for each other, and if Shin was their friend, then they would do all that they could to return his brother to him.
   The boys all stood around in the living room, a few of them looking wide eyed at Shoon-whispering to each other about him, their famous ex-Kumi-cho-looking rather uncomfortable with being there. But after a moment Hikaru emerged from his office, calling all of the others down into the kitchen; the only room suitable to have a meeting with fifteen participants. Shoon was still fast asleep on the couch; the proceedings not disturbing him in the slightest. As everyone gathered, Hikaru briefly greeted all of Shintaro's boys. It was apparent the he already knew them, calling them all by name and thanking them for coming. Once he completed that he turned his attentions to Keito.
   "What's Shoon doing here?" He asked, frowning. Keito was embarrassed.
   "Sorry. He said he wanted to fight." Hikaru's frown only grew larger.
   "No." Keito nodded. Hikaru looked over to where Shoon was still lying on the couch, his frown lines being replaced by worry lines. "Hopefully he'll just sleep until we've gone. I don't feel like fucking arguing with him about that right now."
   They all sat or stood around the table, Keito sticking by Yuto's side. Shintaro's group stuck together as well, all of them standing at the far end of the table, where Yabu usually sat for meals. To Keito's surprise some of his housemates seemed to know them already. Yabu gave the boys all nods of welcome, and Daiki and Inoo said a few greetings. Even Takaki clapped a couple of the boys on the back, ruffling their hair in a casual way. Hikaru took his place at the head of the table, a few pages in his hands, and the meeting commenced, everyone quieting to hear what he had to say.
   "So, I assume you all know who all of us are." Hikaru started, speaking to the underlings. They all nodded. Keito was surprised. He still wasn't used to being known. He'd never met these kids. "But some of us might not know you. Introduce yourselves." Shintaro went first, and he raised his hand in a casual way, saying
   "I'm Shintaro Morimoto, you all know me." The boy to his left went next, and so on and so on until Keito knew all of the boys’ names. There was Hokuto Matsumura, a tall, handsome, rather stoic boy. He seemed to be Shin's right hand man. There was Tanaka Juri, a smiling, brown haired boy that introduced himself as the younger brother of Chiba's Tanaka 'Scarface' Koki, whoever the hell that was. Keito thought Juri reminded him a little bit of Yuto. The next boy was beautiful, his pale skin and wide eyes held a slightly feminine touch, and when he introduced himself as Taiga Kyomoto, his voice was rather soft. Keito expressed this opinion to Yuto, and his friend giggled, whispering back
   "You're even more soft spoken than he is, Keito." Taiga glared a bit at them, and embarrassed and apologetic, Keito hastily shut up. Yuto however, glared back and Taiga looked away, Yuto grinning in triumph. The last two to go were Jessie Lewis, a tall half-Japanese boy, and Yugo Kouchi. They stood side by side, and they were holding hands, and it was apparent after seeing the way Yugo looked at the other boy that they were more than just friends.


multi-chap: sequence of upsets

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