Okay, I said I was going to cut down talking about my Big Bang, and I will. This will, in fact, probably be my last post about it for awhile. Because...
It is 76,000 words. Thirteen chapters. DONE
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Happy Glorious 25th of May! Long live the People's Republic of Treacle Mine Road! Justice! Freedom! Reasonably-priced love! And a hard-boiled egg! I am not wearing lilac the flower, but I am wearing lilac the color. It was completely by accident, but I'm still wearing it
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Yes, ramble ramble more Big Bang. I can't help it. I am excited!
And also progressing amazingly well, wow. I hit 30,000 words today. I started this fic two weeks ago. That is incredibly fast for me, but this fic is just in my head and really wants out
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The chapters of my Big Bang keep growing by 1000 words. The first was 4500, the second 5500, the third 6500, and now the fourth has clocked in at 7500. That is officially the longest chapter I've ever written
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Last night my best friend and I watched more ST: TNG, and I think I finally understand why I'm not as engaged with it as I was with TOS -- it feels like it's far more technobabble-heavy. I mean, TOS has its share of technobabble, but TNG really takes it to another level. There are a lot of times when the solution to a problem in TNG is figuring
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