Apr 16, 2011 16:34
Last night my best friend and I watched more ST: TNG, and I think I finally understand why I'm not as engaged with it as I was with TOS -- it feels like it's far more technobabble-heavy. I mean, TOS has its share of technobabble, but TNG really takes it to another level. There are a lot of times when the solution to a problem in TNG is figuring out the science behind it and therefore how to fix it, but for me, technobabble tends to go in one ear and out the other. TOS seems...a lot more character-based.
Of course, TNG is pretty character-based as well, or I wouldn't still be watching it. They've got their ensemble cast who continually develops, and that's awesome. But the technobabble bores me, and it seems like there's more of it in TNG than in TOS.
I've also finally gotten far enough for a better understanding of Picard and family (with some help from my best friend, who is a huge TNG fan), which I appreciate because it gives me a new perspective on Generations. This does mean that I have to rewrite the Generations section in my ST movie essay (which has passed 25,000 words, btw XD), though. But the person who was looking that over finally got back to me, so I think once I fix up the Generations section, I'll be ready to post. Whoo!
I need to get some more Star Trek icons.
In other news, I had a sudden urge to play Final Fantasy VII again, but when I started a new game...the D-pad on my controller wouldn't work anymore. So I had to go out and get a new controller. I know my PS2 is old, and FFVII is old, and old electronic systems do not like to work very well, but my old video games are still awesome and I still want to play them!
I am going to be very sad when my systems are all finally too old to keep working and there's nothing to replace them.
star trek,
video games