FIC: Vanilla Scented Lies (Sensory Deprivation 4/5)

Jun 27, 2008 00:34

Title: Vanilla Scented Lies (Sensory Deprivation 4/5)
Fandom: Death Note
Pairing: L/Light
Prompt: 101 - entice at tamingthemuse; also written for 4. Angels and Devils; Disguise (~wings stain with blood) at 30_angsts; also written for the stagesoflove set: Exploring a relationship through the five senses prompt smell.
Warnings: Slash. Spoilers for the first part of the series.
Rating: Adult.
Summary: Despite the chaos of his life, L liked routine.
Disclaimer: I don't own Death Note. I'm not that smart.
A/N: Unbetaed. Also, this is a work of fiction that contains sexual interaction between two male characters. Note the part that says fiction before having hysterics, please. Finally, the five parts of Sensory Deprivation will all be unified in a single story arc spanning the characters growing obsession with each other throughout the series, but I am hoping that each part stands well enough on its own to be a complete story. I'd love to know if you think that I managed it.

As always, feedback is welcome and appreciated.


Previous Parts: Part 1/5, Part 2/5, Part 3/5.


Despite the chaos of his life, L liked routine. He worked cases all over the world, but with Watari’s help, everywhere he went he always had the same creature comforts. There was always a kitchen or at least a kitchenette on hand, so that he never had to go far to find an endless string of sugary snacks. The bathroom was always stocked with the vanilla scented soap he liked. His sheets were always 100% cotton and he slept with three pillows, one under his head and one on either side of him.

L never imagined that he would voluntarily disrupt his routine by chaining himself to the prime suspect in the biggest case he would ever work. Even after it happened, he still couldn’t believe he’d done it. Even after he’d started sleeping with said suspect, he still suffered from moments of profound disbelief. Then Light would do something that disrupted L’s routine and L had no choice but to admit that he had traded his creature comforts for the unknown.


The first noticeable disruption came at meal times.

“Light-kun, we should be working.” L protested feebly, following Light around the kitchenette helplessly as the chain tightened between them.

“We will work.” Light retorted. “Once we eat. I’m starving and if I have to watch you eat another cupcake, I’m going to be sick.”

L sniffed dubiously as Light mixed something in a bowl. “How do I know you’re not trying to poison me?”

Light snorted. “Because if you drop dead, everyone will believe I actually am Kira.” He lifted out the spoon and licked the end of it, his eyes boring into L’s with defiant amusement. “There. If I drop dead, you don’t have to eat it.”

“What is it?” L demanded, eying the bowl suspiciously..

“I’m not telling you.” Light shook his head and L’s expression became mutinous. “Oh, no you don’t. I’ve learned - if you even think it might be something healthy, you won’t eat it.”

“My brain runs best off of sugar.”

“Think how much better it might work if you actually gave it some nutrients.” Light shook his head and dumped the concoction in the bowl into a wok.

“Where did you learn to cook?”

“My mother.” Light’s answer was uncharacteristically short and L fell silent, chewing on his thumb as he watched Light cut up some vegetable or another with a knife. It had been nearly two and half months since Light had spoken with anyone in his family other than his father. If L didn’t still believe that Light was Kira, he might have felt a bit guilty about that.

“Light-kun,” L finally started to say something, only to have Light shove a steaming piece of something into his mouth.

“Here,” Light cut him off gruffly. “Eat this and tell me what you think.”

L chewed slowly, studying the face of the boy in front of him. The shadows in Light’s eyes had nothing to do with the lack of sleep that both suffered from and everything to do with the suspicion that still hung heavy in the air.

“It needs sugar,” L finally answered softly. He knew he shouldn’t be, but he couldn’t help but feel relieved when Light smiled at him in fond exasperation.


Showering was even worse than meal times.

“If you’d just take the damn thing off…”


“You can stand right there and watch me shower.” Light was glaring at him again, as they went through the contortions now required to simply change clothes.

“No.” L shook his head, a small warning going off in the back of his mind when Light leered at him slightly.

“But you like to watch.” Light’s inflection left no doubt to the fact that he meant that to sound as filthy as possible and L swallowed with some difficulty.

“Be that as it may,” L finally answered, “I am not unchaining you.”

“Fine.” Light changed tactics, sliding in under L’s arm. “Then the least you can do is shower with me, so that I don’t get water all over the bathroom floor.”

“Your attempts at seduction will not convince me to unchain you either.” L answered wryly, but he didn’t stop Light when the younger boy’s hands moved to unfasten L’s jeans.

“Hmmm.” Light agreed, looking up at L from under the hair that had fallen in his eyes. “But are my attempts at seduction working to seduce you?” He grinned. “That’s the real question of interest.”

“Light-kun…” L shook his head in mock disapproval, but was silenced when Light’s mouth covered his.

“I’d really rather you moaned when you say that,” Light whispered huskily and L suddenly saw fit to lend his own intellect to getting them out of their clothes as quickly as possible.

The steam from the shower made the wall slippery where Light tried to brace himself and L slipped an arm around him, pulling him back so that he could bury his face in the crook of Light’s neck. Light’s skin was hot and wet and L briefly wondered when he had become so hopelessly entangled in this mess. He forgot to care when Light keened his name into the spray from the shower head.


Worst of all, Light often demanded that L actually go to bed every night. Sometimes the younger boy bullied the detective into turning off the computer and lights, but most often Light simply draped himself over the bed and asked L when he thought he’d be ready for sleep. The intonation on the last word of the question made it perfectly clear that Light wasn’t actually looking for slumber.

“Light-kun, I thought you wanted to catch Kira.” L answered, his face and tone bland.

“Of course I do.” Light retorted, a hint of the anger he usually managed to keep buried flaring into his voice. “But unlike the living dead and you, I actually need more than two hours of sleep a night.”

L twisted his chair around to study Light. “And do you expect me to believe that you intend for me to come to bed to sleep?”

“Yes.” Light lied, but his lips quirked up slightly and L found himself smiling back.

“Lying, Light-kun, is not the best way to make me believe your protestations that you are not Kira.”

“Hmpfh.” The other boy sighed and then jerked on the chain that bound the two of them together, pulling L forcibly from his chair and hauling him flying onto the bed where he landed on Light almost painfully.

“Neither is forcing me against my will,” L wheezed, pushing up slightly so that he was looking down at Light.

Light shifted his hips, pointedly grinding against L’s. “It doesn’t feel like you’re unwilling to me.”

L closed his eyes and tired not to gasp. When he opened them, Light was staring up at him with predatory amusement. L moved his hands along Light’s arms until he grabbed the other boy’s wrists and lifted, pinning them over Light’s head. “4%.”

“Bastard,” Light retorted before L covered Light’s mouth with his own. It didn’t take long before the blankets and sheets were kicked to the floor and Light’s fingers were flexing in one of the few pillows still on the bed, his voice hoarse as he cried out his release.

Afterward as L breathed deeply, gasping for breath, he could smell the musky scents of sweat and sex and more faintly, the clean smell of the freshly laundered sheets underneath them.

Light turned, rolling on his back, and their limbs tangled together, making Light sigh in pleasure and L closed his eyes. L’s growing relationship with Light was anything but comfortable. It was dangerous and exciting and more addictive than anything L had ever experienced before. Turning his head, L pressed his cheek to Light’s naked chest in lieu of the pillows now lying on the floor. As he drifted off to sleep, the faint scent of vanilla lingered in his nose.

On to Part 5/5.
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