FIC: At First Sight (Sensory Deprivation 1/5)

Jun 06, 2008 16:32

Title: At First Sight (Sensory Deprivation 1/5)
Fandom: Death Note
Pairing: L/Light
Prompt: 18. Photograph (~lost you forever) at 30_angsts; also written for the stagesoflove set: Exploring a relationship through the five senses prompt sight.
Warnings: Slash. Vague descriptions of masterbation. Unbetaed.
Rating: Adult.
Summary: L's obsession began the moment he saw Light's photograph.
Disclaimer: I don't own Death Note. I'm not that smart.
A/N: Unbetaed. Also, this is a work of fiction that contains sexual interaction between two male characters. Note the part that says fiction before having hysterics, please. Finally, the five parts of Sensory Deprivation will all be unified in a single story arc spanning the characters growing obsession with each other, but I am hoping that each part stands well enough on its own to be a complete story. I'd love to know if you think that I managed it.

As always, feedback is welcome and appreciated.


L knew that the eyes were supposedly the windows to the soul, but that did not give him any insight into Yagami Light. The first time he ever saw the other man, it was in a photograph. Light stood, cheerfully relaxed, next to his father. Yagami-san had one hand resting on his son's shoulder and L didn't have to be a detective to see the pride shining from the elder Yagami's eyes.

Light, though... Light's eyes didn't hold any expression. His posture was seemingly relaxed, though L noted that the youth held himself slightly apart from his father. Light's mouth was curved in a polite smile and he had his head tilted slightly, as though he were listening to some private joke. L noted all of that, but it was the vast echoing emptiness in Light's eyes that held his attention.

Holding the picture in front of him by two fingers, L stared at it intently, wondering if it was a trick of the photography. He had seen madness before. He had seen hatred, lust, passion and the desire for revenge all reflecting from a murderer's eyes. He wasn't sure that he had ever seen emptiness.

Did that make the Yagami-kun capable of murder? Did it make him Kira?

The rest of the documents in Yagami-kun's file certainly supported the idea. Light was bright. He didn't have many friends. He was dutiful, but not overtly affectionate towards his family. He was competitive. He was good at puzzles. He was determined to become a police officer and follow in his father's footsteps. He was connected to the Investigation Force, through his father, and therefore, had access to information that no one else would have.

Light fit the Kira profile perfectly.

"I want to set up cameras in Yagami-san's house, as well as the police commissioner's house." His quiet comment caused an outcry, but L had expected it. He did not even look up from the photograph, chewing on his thumbnail quietly until Yagami-san finally ended the debate by approving L's order.


He knew. L didn't know how Light knew, but he was certain that Light did know that he was being observed. The younger boy played his part almost perfectly. He went about his routine with absolutely no outward sign that he knew he was being watched, but the glow in his eyes told L that they'd been discovered.

Light positively thrived under observation, and that alone strengthened L's suspicion that he had found Kira. Light studied; he watched television with his family; he ate dinner. He did all of this without missing a single beat, seemingly oblivious to the cameras. He even looked at porn magazines, the blatancy of which nearly made L laugh aloud.

Yagami-san blushed brilliant red when he saw what Light had hidden under his bookshelf and hastily excused himself, leaving L to appreciate the show alone. Light flipped through the pictures leisurely, the camera over the bed being at the perfect angle to show L exactly what Light was seeing.

Taunting L.

The same way Light taunted L as he draped himself over the bed and did just what any teenage boy who had spent the last hour looking at porn would do. L didn't look away - he couldn't - as Light unzipped his pants and freed his erection. Light's strokes were strong and sure, his fingers deliberate and driven and L couldn't look away, ever more convinced that Light knew he was being watched, that Light enjoyed being watched. The end, when it came, wracked Light's body, his soft cry of pleasure almost too quiet to be caught on camera.

L, not immune to the eroticism of the moment, suddenly realized that that Light kept his eyes open the entire time. It was clear that the younger boy was staring at the camera over the bed and, for the first time, L was easily able to read the challenge in them.

Later that night, in the privacy of his own room, L relived that moment, his hand jerking along his own length in time with his memories of Light's hand, until finally, his orgasm cleared his mind enough that he realized that he might be in a great deal of trouble.

Light had challenged him and the prospect of facing off with Kira excited him. He would have to answer Yagami-kun's challenge soon.


"Hideki Ryuga?" Light's gaze sharpened. "That's a coincidence."

"Yes," L shuffled down the hallway beside his rival. "There is a famous singer with the same name."

"Yes, there is." Light smiled slightly. "In fact, it's hard to hear the name without thinking of the his face."

"Yes, I know." L studied Light, ostensibly casual, but his whole body was humming with the tension of their first meeting. In person, Light's eyes didn't appear empty; they appeared bottomless - the brown depths were dotted with lighter gold flecks and darker swirls. L blinked and looked away, catching his breath and his thoughts.

"We should be friends," the detective finally offered and Light nodded thoughtfully.

"I agree." Light shifted his books absently and continued walking with L, looking at him almost hungrily. "There is much that we have in common. And much that I wish to know about you." He paused pointedly. "Hideki-san."

L smiled at the knowing lilt of Light's voice. "There is much I wish to know about you as well, Yagami-kun."


"How sure are you that he is Kira?" Watari asked softly, driving L back from Tu-Oh University to the Investigation Team's headquarters.

"Hmmm?" L turned away from the window to glance at his former guardian. He shook his head. "About 2%, I believe."

"That sure?" Watari asked softly, knowing that L only ever spoke in percentages over 90%. "Yagami-san will be crushed."

"I do not intend to tell him yet." L turned back to the window, his thumb finding it's customary place between his teeth as he chewed the nail thoughtfully.

"Why not?" Watari's question wasn't accusing, merely curious.

"I do not know how Kira kills his victims," L finally answered. "Until I know that, I cannot prove that Yagami-kun is, indeed, Kira." He frowned. "He is too smart."

"You know this from one meeting?"

"Yes." L didn't expand on his answer. He had known from the moment their eyes met - Light was Kira and Light was too smart to be caught easily. Light's polite façade was impervious, except for the excitement that glowed from his eyes.

As darkness descended over the city, L studied his own reflection in the window. He could see Light's excitement mirrored in his own eyes. Light had issued a challenge; L had answered it with one of his own, knowing even as he did so that Light would not refuse.

L continued to chew his thumb, wondering if he had pushed too hard. The thrill of excitement that churned through his veins had blinded him to the possibility that he had escalated the conflict beyond the point of no return.

It scared him, this realization that he was obsessed. It scared him, this realization that Light was equally obsessed. It scared him, but there was nothing he could do about it now.

All that remained, now, was to play this game of insanity to its conclusion.

On to Part 2/5.
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