Title: Forever Bound and Seeking
ruyuWord count: 100
Prompt: Half-Remembered Dream
Pairings/characters: John, Sherlock
Rating: G
Warnings/genres: none
Summary/Author's notes: John's thoughts on his life with Sherlock.
John imagines he’s already lived this life with Sherlock... )
Comments 3
Now there needs to be a future!John and future!Sherlock. bwahahahaha
I know I've read a few future!Sherlock Holmes fics for the Richie-verse, but not for the BBC-verse. I'd like to read that. XD
Oh, and I know I haven't posted your fic request for Drag!Sherlock, but have you read THIS PEICE OF AWESOME. If not, read immediately.
Gee it's not like you haven't been busy...
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