Baldrssons 3.2

Jul 09, 2010 13:42

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Last time with the Baldrssons, Gunnlöð had a boy named Vale, everyone had roach flu and elephants, Gunn diddled Bjorn (quinctia) at her wedding to Agu (prettypalisades), Gefjun and Fulla were cute and Vale grew into a toddler looking exactly like Bjorn. HMMMMM.

I always pick that option and I always get that outcome. :/ YOU ARE NOT HELPING MY OCD, GAME.

The first non-bathroom smustle in the house deserves a party. (Sigrdrífa is Bekah by simpurity)

Fulla: Um... so... who was playing Stir It Up last night?
Agu: Huh??
Gunn: Uhhh... no one. All in your head, sweetie. All in your head. Yup.
Agu: When? Where? Why? How?
Fulla: Didn't you hear it, Daddy? At, like, 2am... I couldn't sleep, it was so loud. From upstairs. And Gefjun was sleeping on the floor by our door when I got up to investimagate. But I saw a man jump off the balcony and run off when I tripped over her!
Agu: ...D8
Gunn: Oh, children and their vivid imaginations! Ha ha!

(For better understanding, since Agu refuses to sleep in the same bed as Gunn, Gunn sleeps upstairs in Gefjun and Fulla's room while Fulla sleeps downstairs in Agu and Gunn's bed because like hell I'm buying another bed.)

Gefjun: Oh, no! I've lost my gummies! Maybe I left them in...

Gefjun: YOUR FACE!
Fulla: Eep!

Fulla: Oh, you kidder, you!

Fulla: GAWD I'm such a stupid idiot with a stupid face and a stupid shirt and GAWD

Nemo (dorkasaur): I'd like this portrait a lot more if it didn't remind me of the pitiful little slugmonkey she married.

Whoops! It's another Bjorn-baby (no green eyes in this family) boy, named Freyr. Oh, the interlingual puns we shall have!

...nice try, but no.

Well, it's about damn time.

Vale grew up in platinum! Also note that none of them looks like another.

Vale: Dad, I've got a question.
Agu: Go on.
Vale: Who was that blond man at the wedding? The one that came from really really far away and that you got lots of angry at?
Agu: No one of import. I'm surprised you remember him. Why?
Vale: Well, I just guess he looks a bit like me. I was wondering if he was an uncle of mine or something, like how Fulla looks like Auntie Skathi. But Mom and Auntie Skathi look alike, too, so if he was your brother, wouldn't he look like you, too?

Agu: Let's discuss this later. Like, never bring it up again or I will do bad things to your mother.

To counteract that, have a cute old couple! Will Agu and Gunn ever be this old or cute together? Will Vale and Freyr discover their paternity? Will Fulla's self-esteem issues and Gefjun's cuteness continue into teenhood? All to be learned next time with the Baldrssons!

24 .jpgs, implied sexings.

holy bäļđŕśşöņš

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