Новые подробности сотрудничества NDI США с лидерами оппозиции в России

Feb 01, 2012 06:06

Как американские институты

устанавливали взаимовыгодные контакты

с «лидерами российской оппозиции»

(Часть II)

Отчет функционеров «NDI Россия» о встрече с А.Навальным

12 февраля 2010 года


To:      Mike Murphy

From: Sofya Mezhorina

Rg:     Notes on meeting with Alexey Navalny

On Febnmy 12.2010 Mifct Murphy and Sofya Mezhonna met with Alexey Navalny, aide to Kirov Governor Nikita Belykh. The purpose of the meeting was to discuss prospects for holding a lobbying workshop senes in Kirov and identify other way NDI Russia could provide assistance to civil society and public officials in that region

Alexey stopped by NDI office in Moscow. He gave us an overview of the political situation m the region and the operating environment for the Governor and re-iterated the proposition to either hold an NDI event under the auspices of the Surkov - McFaui working group, or organize it through a local partner. Mike suggested he would do some research to determine the possibility of the working group solution: regarding the other option, however, he stressed that NDI Russia is committed to working openly and that trying to covertly organize events through a local partner would still create an opportunity to put everybody involved a difficult situation

Potential web-based event

Alexey also told us that a Public Chamber was recently created in Kirov region, and the\ are looking foi the ways to jumpstart their activit) and citizen advocacy would Ы.- one of the topics of interest. Mike suggested we organize a web-based workshop for the Public Chamber members, which Alexey wholeheartedly supported.

·                     Follow-up: Alexey will forward the contact information for a contact at the Public Chamber with whom we can stan working on the event.

Input for the Debate Club project

We briefly talked about other projects NDI Russia is running. Given the fact that Alexey stood at the riots of the Fight Chib debate project in Moscow several years ago, we wondered if he's been promoting similar projects in Kirov. Alexey told us he wanted to develop a similar initiative and shared his idea with the Governor, but. again, concerns that the project would be too hold prevented it from developing. Alexey was open, however, to being a guest speaker for the training activities for our debate club project's training events,

·                     Follow-up: Timur to get in touch with Alexey when organizing training events for the PG debate club network.


12 февраля 2010 года

Кому:  Майку Мерфи

От: София Межонина

Rg: Относительно встречи с Алексеем Навальным

12 февраля 2010 года Майк Мерфи и София Межонина встретились с Алексеем Навальным, помощником Губернатора Кировской области Никитой Белых. Целью встречи являлось обсуждение перспектив проведения семинара в Кирове в интересах продвижения проектов «NDI Россия» по поддержке гражданского общества и чиновников области.

Алексей посетил офис NDI в Москве. Он дал нам краткий обзор политической ситуации в области и процессов в окружении губернатора и предложил продвигать проекты NDI в под покровительством рабочей группы Сурков-МакФол или организовать это через местного партнера. Майк предложил ему провести исследование, чтобы определить возможное решение рабочей группы; относительно другого выбора  он подчеркнул, что «NDI Россия» работает открыто, а попытка тайно организовать мероприятие через местного партнера приведет к трудностям и поставит всех в трудную ситуацию.

Возможности сетевых событий

Алексей также сказал нам, что недавно была создана Общественная палата Кировской области, и он ищет способы как активно ее задействовать в защите интересов граждан.  Майк предложил, чтобы мы организовали web-семинар для членов Общественной палаты, что искренне поддержал Алексей.

·                     Перспектива: Алексей предоставит контакт в Общественной палате, с кем мы можем начать работать по подготовке мероприятия.

Привлечение к проектам Клуба Дебатов

Мы кратко поговорили о других проектах NDI, продвигаемых в России. Учитывая тот факт, что Алексей основал Бойцовский Клуб в Москве несколько лет назад, поинтересовались, продвигал ли он подобные проекты в Кирове. Алексей сказал нам, что хотел бы развить подобную инициативу и поделиться своей идеей с губернатором, но будут проблемы развития этого проекта. Алексей был открыт и готов участвовать в качестве оратора в учебных занятиях и мероприятиях нашего клуба дебатов.

·                     Перспектива: Тимур будет контактировать с Алексеем, чтобы привлечь его учебным занятиям PG клуба сетевых дебатов.

Отчет московского офиса NDI в Вашингтон о встрече с Б.Немцовым 16 ноября 2008 года


To:     NDI DC

Fr:       NDI Russia

Cc:      Peggy Lamm, Timur Kurbanov. Marko Ivkovic

Re:      Meeting with Boris Nemtsov

On the 16’h of November Michael met with Boris Nemtsov at his office in Moscow. Nemstov was a popular young politician in the 90's and a leading figure within SPS uiiiil its disillusion in 2008. Currently. Nemtsov is a leading figure within the opposition movement Solidarity. Nemtsov was elected to the leadership committee of Solidarity at the National Founding Congress of the Solidarity movement in December of 2008.

The discussion with Nemtsov was interesting. Michael presented NDI's current activities and stressed the effort N1)1 was making to include Solidarity activists into NDI programming as well as NDI's efforts to stay in contact with Solidarity leaders. Nemtsov was not particularly interested in the general work N1)1 was doing but he did make concrete suggestions, when prompted, regarding how N1)1 could support the movement. I le requested NDI focus on the following areas:

1.            Conduct seminars on labor union organizing or organize round tables between labor activists and Solidarity activists.

2.            Support Solidarity leaders by funding travel for their organizers and leaders (Michael said NDI can not fund the travel of other groups)

3.            Organize youth events for Solidarity activists and interested youth in which youth can exchange experience and develop their organizing skills

4.            Conduct media trainings for journalists (what is news why they should cover solidarity) and Solidarity activists (how to get coverage).

5.            Organize seminars regarding web organizing technologies and tactics especially regarding social networking sites.

Michael was uncomfortable by how blatantly Nemtsov was asking for funding from NDI and he did not feel particularly comfortable committing to any of the programs Nemtsov suggested. Multiple times Nemtsov focused on the need for Solidarity to raise funds and the difficulties they were having raising funds. The web organizing program, struck Michael as the idea w ith the most potential since it could be applied to a range of organizations and not just to Solidarity. If NDI were to do something related to web organizing the Institute should bring in outside expertise from the USA.

During the discussion Michael also mentioned the necessity for NDI to work with United Russia and other parties of power and that NDI was opening its programming up to a wide range of political parties and movements. Nemtsov was not pleased N1)1 was working with the parties of power and he aggressively shot back asking whether NDI was trying to help United Russia stay in power. Michael explained the necessity of the situation though Nemtsov was still not particularly pleased as he secs any possibility of cooperation with the authorities as a step backwards in terms of democratic reform in Russia.

Nemtsov explained the strategy of Solidarity would be to focus on real issues and real people being affectcd by the financial crisis. 1 Ic explained the movement was developing its message and that they would tic Putin to corruption and the loss ol jobs. The looming financial crisis is the main resource Solidarity will rally behind.

Their strategy will be to tie Solidarity to labor movements and labor unions who will be enraged over the impact of the financial crisis. By building these links Solidarity hopes to emerge as the choice for an alternative past and alternative policies to change improve the lives of Russian people In addition, Nemtsov stressed the importance of Solidarity as the first real Unified Democratic Movement since the 1990’s. In his opinion only they could bring about political change to Russia.

Nemtsov seemed sincere in his belief of Solidarities future but the overall description of their plans to unite with labor unions (most of whom are weak and managed by government) seemed a bit optimistic. On the other hand the realization that the movement is disconnected with regular people and the recognition that it w ill lake real "bread and butter" issues to connect the movement to people shows there is a growing development amongst opposition leaders as to why they fail to draw “regular" people into their efforts.

Michael left the meeting without being convinced the movement would succeed or that it could catapult itself into a serious rallying force for the public. Nemtsov, struck Michael as a bit of an idealist w ho would fight the good tight regardless of the pragmatic realities. His personality and self-importance suggests the "leadcrless” Solidarity may have more internal strife regarding who will emerge as the leader then is currently suggested by the members. It is difficult to imagine the movement lasting too long before Nemtsov and perhaps others make a move to become the top leader, a move that could dissolve the entire organization.

In the end no concrete plans were agreed upon. Michael said NDI would continue its current programming and continue to engage Solidarity activists in NDI programming. He also committed to remaining in touch with the Solidarity leadership in order to assess where the organization is headed and how NDI might be able to assist in the future. Michael also said he NDI would consider Nemtsov's ideas listed above and stay in touch.

Currently Michael recommends NDI retains its current policy of communication with the top and engagement with the grass roots level activists in a non-Solidarity context. We should more carefully assess the organization, its viability and the costs and benefits of deep cooperation with Solidarity before moving forward with concrete cooperation.

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